Eukaryotic cell structure Flashcards
Name all the parts to a eukaryotic cell nucleus and draw and label.
- Nuclear envelope.
- Nuclear pores.
- Nucleoplasm.
- Chromosomes.
- The nucleolus.
What’s the role of the nuclear envelope in the nucleus?
- A double membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
- Its outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and often has ribosomes on it.
- Controls entries and exits of materials in and out of the nucleus.
- Contains the reactions taking place within it.
What’s the role of the nuclear pores in the nucleus?
- Allows large molecules e.g. mRNA out of the nucleus.
- There are about 3000 pores in each nucleus, 40-100nm in diameter.
What’s the role of the nucleoplasm in the nucleus?
- The granular, jelly-like material inside of the nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope
- Made up mostly of water, a mixture of various molecules, and dissolved ions.
- It helps to maintain the shape of the nucleus.
What’s the role of the chromosomes in the nucleus?
- Consists of protein bound, linear DNA.
What’s the role of the nucleolus in the nucleus?
- A small spherical region within the nucleoplasm.
- Manufactures rRNA and assembles the ribosomes.
- There might be more than one nucleolus in a nucleus.
What is the function of the nucleus?
- Acts as a control center of the cell through the production of mRNA and tRNA hence protein synthesis.
- Retain the genetic material of the cell in forms of DNA and chromosomes.
- Manufacture rRNA and ribosomes.
Name all the structures in the mitochondrion and draw and label the structure.
- A double membrane.
- Cristae.
- Matrix.
What is the role of the double membrane in the mitochondrion?
- Controls entry and exit of material.
- The inner part of the double membrane is folded to form extensions known as cristae.
What is the role of the cristae in the mitochondrion?
- They are extensions of the inner membrane, in some species, it goes across the whole width of the mitochondrion.
- They provide a LARGE SA for the attachment of enzymes and other proteins involved in respiration.
What is the role of the matrix in the mitochondrion?
- It makes up the rest of the mitochondrion.
- Contains protein, lipids, ribosomes, and DNA which allows mitochondrion to control the production of some of their own proteins.
- Many enzymes that are involved in respiration are found in the matrix.
Why are mitochondria important for our body?
- They are the sites of the aerobic stages of respiration. so they are responsible for the production of ATP from respiratory substrates e.g. glucose.
- Due to this, the number and size of mitochondria and their number of cristae are high in cells which has high levels of metabolic rate who requires a plentiful supply of ATP. E.g. muscle and epithelial cells- EC need a lot of ATP for absorbing substances from the intestines by active transport.
What are chloroplasts?
Organelles that carry out photosynthesis.
They vary in shape but usually disc-shaped, 2-10um long and 1um in diameter.
Draw and label the structure of the chloroplast and list the features within it.
- The chloroplast envelope.
- The grana.
- The stroma.
What is the role of the chloroplast envelope in the chloroplast?
- It’s the double plasma membrane which surrounds the organelle.
- It’s highly selective in what it allows to enter and leave the chloroplast.
What is the role of the grana (granum sing.) in the chloroplast?
- Grana are stacks of up to 100 disc-like structures called thylakoids.
- Within the thylakoids it contains chlorophyll.
- Some thylakoids have tubular extensions that join up with the thylakoids in adjacent grana.
- The grana are where the first stage of photosynthesis (light absorption) takes place.