Eucharist Flashcards
what is the meaning and importance of mass?
- we receive Grace Gods love and blessing and helps us to lie as God wants
- we experience transubstantiation the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
- we also get our venial sins forgiven in the “I confess “
- its a memorial remembering something and making it present.
what do the studs on the pascal candle mean?
the five pieces of incense (the five wounds of Jesus)
what does the flame on the pascal candle mean?
Jesus is the light of the world
what does Alpha and Omega mean?
it is the beginning and the end of the Greek alphabet
God is the beginning and the end
what is the exsultet?
it is a hymn of praise sung before the pascal candle during the Easter Vigil
what are the two types of sin?
venial-sin that we do every day could be without knowing it these are less serious.
mortal-serious sins(taking someone’s life-stealing ect.)
what does reconciliation mean?
the restoration of a relationship that was damaged
why is the the sacrament of reconciliation important?
- it gives us a chance to strengthen our relationship with God and the community.
- forgiveness of sins enables us to receive salvation and enter heaven
- it brings forgiveness of venial and mortal sins which is essential to receive the body of Christ in mass
what does Eucharist mean?
what is the rite of reconciliation?
- preperation-reflect in prayer of your recent sins
- confession-admitt your sins to the priest
- penance accept what he asks you to do to make up for your sins
- contrition-express genuine sorrow and regret
- absolution-recieve Gods forgiveness
Evaluation question (for) 1.
God knows when I am truly sorry and will forgive me even through prayer
what is Jesus’s teaching on forgiveness?
1 forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
- peter asked how many times shall forgive someone before I stop and Jesus replied you forgive people as many times as necessary
- the adulteress women-whoever has not sinned may throw the first stone
evaluation question (against) 1.
the priest is a trained counsellor and can offer advice or help if needed
evaluation question (for) 3.
it is better to talk to God in the moment rather than waiting weeks or even months to see the priest and confess.
evaluation question (for) 2
I have not committed mortal sin and my venial sins are forgiven at the penitential rite a mass
evaluation question(against)2.
God wanted us to speak to a priest therefore not going to a priest would be going against Gods wishes
evaluation question(against) 3.
there is a church precept that it is highly encouraged to go to confession as often as you can however you must go 2 times a year at lent and at advent