EU Law and National Law: Supremacy, Direct Effect, Indirect Effect and State Liability Flashcards
What are EU Treaties?
EU Treaties represent international agreements made by a number of European states to cooperate in certain (primarily economic) areas.
What does Article 258 TFEU provide?
Article 258 TFEU provides that the Commission may being a case to the CJ against a Member State for not fulfilling its Treaty obligations.
What Artciles provides that a MemberState may bring a case to the CJ against another Member State for not fulfilling its Treaty obligations?
Article 259 TFEU.
What year was the decision in Van Gend en Loos made?
What happened in Van Gend en Loos?
Van Gend en Loos imported formaldehyde from West Germany in 1960. Because of changes to the classification of this product by the Dutch authorities the duty payable on it had been increased from 3% to 8%. However, Article 12 EEC (now Article 30 TFEU) provided at the time that ‘Member States shall refrain from introducing between themselves any new custom duties on imports or exports or any charge having equivalent effect, and from increasing those which they already apply in their trade with each other’. Van Gend en Loos argued before the Dutch authorities that Article 12 (now Article 30 TFEU) gave rise to rights which could be claimed by individuals and protected in the courts of Member States and that the company has an enforceable claim because the increased duty was contrary to Article 12.
On a reference to the CJ from the Dutch Customs Court, the CJ held that ‘Article 12 must be interpreted as producing direct effects and creating individual rights which national courts must protect’.
Why is the decision in Van Gend en Loos so important?
Because the CJ recognised that Union Law created rights and obligations which not only had a direct impact on Member States, but also upon the citizens of those states.
Why has the CJ been criticised for ‘judicial activism’ after the decision in Van Gend en Loos?
Van Gend en Loos is an illustration of the CJ filling the gaps left in the ‘framework treaty’ that was the EC Treaty. The detail has in many respects been provided by th eSJ through the kind of purposive interpretation of the Treaty that characterised its judgment in Van Gend en Loos.
What happens if a provision of EU law comes into conflict with domestic law?
The CJ found the solution to this conundrum in the doctrine of supremacy. The new legal order identified in Van Gend en Loos required not only that EU law be capable of direct effect, but that it was also supreme over the domestic law of Member States. Thereforem where a provision of EU law comes into conflict with the national law of Member States, EU law prevails.
What is the doctrine of supremacy?
The new legal order identified in Van Gend en Loos required not only that EU law be capable of direct effect, but that it was also supreme over the domestic law of Member States. Thereforem where a provision of EU law comes into conflict with the national law of Member States, EU law prevails.
Which case highlights the supremacy of EU law as a necessary concomitant to direct effect and the new legal order created by the EC Treaty?
Costa v ENEL
What happened in Costa v ENEL?
Costa was a shareholder in an electricity company that was nationalised by the Italian government. He subsequently refused to pay his electricity account, which was for the sum of about £1. When sued for this amount, he argued the nationalisation legislation was contrary to Community law. On reference to the CJ, the Italian government argued that the case was ‘inadmissible’ because its national courts were obliged to apply the law nationalising the electricity industry as the latest expression of the will of the Italian Parliament. The CJ did not agree. Its conclusion was that ‘The integration into the laws of each Member State of provisions which derive from the Community, and more generally the terms and spirit of the Treaty, make it impossible for the States, as a corollary, to accord precedence to a unilateral and subsequent measure over a legal system accepted by them on the basis of reciprocity’.
What case confirmed the decision in Costa v ENEL of the supremacy of EU law?
Amministrazione delle Dinanze dello Stato v Simmenthal SpA (Simmenthal).
What is Article 288 TFEU?
Article 288 TFEU specified the forms of secondary legislation that the institutions of the Community must use to fulfil the objects of the Treaty.
Is a regulation directly effective or directly applicable?
A regulation is described as being of ‘general application…binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States’.
What does the direct applicability of a regulation mean?
Once a regulation is made by the Community it does not need to be transposed into the domestic law of Member States; it automatically because part of their domestic law.
Are directives directly applicable?
Directives are not directly applicable. Article 288 describes directives as binding only ‘as to the result to be achieved’, leaving to Members States the ‘form and method’ of their achievement. Consequently, directives require Member States to take national measures to transpose the terms of a directive into their domestic law.
What is the difference between direct effect and directly applicable?
Direct applicability applies to regulations and meant that it does not need to be transposed into the domestic law of Member States; it automatically becomes part of domestic law. Direct effect, on the other hand, refers to the fact that provisions of EU law may, even without transposition by a Member State, give rise to rights which can be enforced by individuals within the national legal systems of Member States. Such rights arise where the conditions for direct effect are satisfied.
Are Treaties directly applicable in the UK?
No. In the UK the Treaties themselves are not directly applicable as they need Parliamentary ratification, e.g. the European Communities Act 1972.