Etymology, Definition, and Purpose of Theology Flashcards
what are the three parts/eras in the historical development of theology?
Ancient roots, medieval scholasticism, and modern advancements
What are the ancient roots of theology?
Theology has its roots in the philosophical and religious traditions of Ancient civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and India. It also comes from the words “theos” (God) and “logos” (study)
What is biblical theology?
It is the study of the bible, its traditions, and its theological themes and implications.
What are the modern advancements of theology?
Theology has started to incorporate insights from other academic fields, such as history, sociology, and psychology.
What happened in the medieval scholasticism of theology?
In this era, theology became an academic discipline. Systematic theological frameworks were developed by thinkers/doctors like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine. St. Thomas christianized Aristotle’s teachings, while St. Augustine christianized Plato’s teachings.
What are the branches of theology?
Biblical, systematic, and historical.
What is systematic theology?
It is the study of Christian doctrines and beliefs.
What is historical theology?
It is the study and examination of theological ideas and traditions throughout history.
What is Christian theology?
It explores the nature of God, the role of Jesus Christ, and the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Christian faith.
What can theology influence/what does it help shape?
Worldviews, ethics, and social structures.
How does theology shape worldviews?
Theology provides a framework for understanding the nature of reality, the purpose of human existence, and our place in the grand scheme of things.
How does theology shape ethics?
Theology helps inform our moral decision making, which help us in navigating complex ethical dilemmas and shaping our personal/individual and societal values.
How does theology shape social structures?
Theology has helped create and develop social institutions, like education, healthcare, and political systems.
What are theology’s interdisciplinary connections?
Philosophy, psychology, history, and science.
How is theology connected to philosophy?
Philosophical inquiry helps inform the theological discourse, and vice versa.