Etre, Avoir, Faire Flashcards
You do
Tu fais
Vous faites
I do
Je fais
He / she does
Il / elle fait
We do
Nous faisons
They do
Ils font
I have
You have
Tu as
Vous avez
He has
Il a
They have
Ils ont
I am
Je suis
You are
You etes
Tu es
He is
Il est
We are
Nous sommes
They are
Ils sont
I had done
J’ai fait
You had done
Tu as fait
Vous avez fait
He had done
Il a fait
We had done
Nous avons fait
They had done
Ils ont fait
I had
J’ai eu
You had
Tu as eu
Vous avez eu
He had
Il a eu
We had
Nous avons eu
They had
Ils ont eu
I had been
J’ai ete
You had been
Tu as ete
Vous avez ete
He had been
Il a ete
We had been
Nous avons ete
They had been
Ils ont ete
I was doing
Je faisais
You were doing
Tu faisais
Vous faisiez
He was doing
Il faisait
We were doing
Nous faisions
They were doing
Ils faisaient
I was having
You were having
Tu avais
Vous aviez
He was having
Il avait
We were having
Nous avions
They were having
Ils avaient
I was
You were
Tu etais
Vous etiez
He was
Il etait
We were
Nous etions
They were
Ils etaient
I will do
Je ferai
You will do
Tu faras
Vous ferez
They will do
Ils feront
I will have
You will have
Tu aurais
Vous aurez
He will have
Il aura
We will have
Nous aurons
They will have
Ils auront
I will be
Je serai
You will be
Tu seras
Vous serez
He will be
Il sera
We will be
Nous serons
They will be
Ils seront
We have
Nous avons
He will do
Il fera
We will do
Nous ferons