Eto nanaman tayo PERDEV PERFECT Flashcards
Gu gu perfect
One element that seperates one from all others of same demographics
Who made the “Brain Dominance Theory”?
Ned Herrmann
What theory did Ned Herrmann create?
Brain Dominance Theory
Upper Left, Cerebral Mode - Analytical
Quandrant A
What part of the brain is Quadrant A?
Cerebral Mode, upper left analytical
Logical thinking, understand better when presenged with numbers and quantities
Quadrant A
Lower left, limbic mode, practical
Quadrant B
What part of the brain is Quadrant B?
Lower left, limbic mode practical
Organizing ideas and things, assess situation and apply what they have learned into practice
Quadrant B
Lower right limbic mode relational
Quadrant C
Part of the brain Quadrant C?
Lower right limbic mode relational
Very sociable learners who enjoy learning with a group whom they share ideas and projects, very focused and involved when trying to learn something
Quadrant C
Upper right cerebral mode experimental
Quadrant D
What part of the brain is Quadrant D
Upper right cerebral mode experimental
Which two quadrants are often characterized as practical, reality based, and down-to-eart persons?
Quadrant A and B