Etiology - General, 6 Pathogenic Factors Flashcards
What are the five invasions of external wind?
Attacks in the Lung’s Defensive-Qi portion, attacks in the channels of the face, attacks in the channels and joints, attacks in the skin, and affliction of liver channel.
A patient walks in with a headache, high fever, profuse sweating, strong thirst, and has a dry mouth… These are manifestations of what pathogenic factor?
What are some causative factors for disease that are neither external nor internal?
Phlegm-Fluid and Stagnant blood, improper diet, overexertion, stress, lack of exercise, trauma, parasites, poisons, incorrect treatment, weak constitution
The pathogenic factors invade the body through the?
Skin, nose, or mouth
Name at least five symptoms of dryness.
Dry nose, lips, mouth throat, thirst, dry skin and body hair, dry cough with scanty Putin, constipation, scanty urine, dry thin tongue coating, threads pulse
A patient walks in with poor appetite, foggy thinking, and cloudy, oozing discharges… these are symptoms of what pathogenic factor?
What are some causes of disease in childhood? (Name at least three)
Early weaning and improper diet, emotional stress, accidents and trauma, excessive physical exercise (esp. at puberty), early sexual activity
What are the four invasions of external cold?
Invade the lung’s defensive-qi portion, invade the channels and joints, invade the muscles and sinews, invade internal organ directly
Which pathogenic factor leads to prolonged, stubborn diseases characterized by repeated attacks?
Which pathogenic factor is associated with clear, watery discharges?
Although wind occurs in all four seasons, it is most prevalent in which season?
Name 5 symptoms of summer-heat.
High fever, restlessness, profuse sweating, strong thirst, headache, dizziness, hot skin, dry mouth and tongue, scanty dark urine, coarse breathing, shortness of breath
How do interior pathogenic factors arise?
Dysfunction of the zangfu organs
Which pathogenic factor will dry body fluid and force it to the exterior?
Name five symptoms of COLD.
Pain, Clear urine, chills, shivering, cold limbs and body, pallor, slow pulse
What are some causes of disease during adulthood?
Six exogenous pathogenic factors, seven emotions, constitutional deficiencies, overexertion, excessive sexual activity, improper diet, trauma, parasites, poison
Cold can invade which internal organs directly?
Stomach, intestines, and uterus
A patient walks in with the feeling of heaviness, tiredness, and has a sticky taste in the mouth… these are symptoms of what pathogenic factor?
What is more “solid,” more drying, heat or fire?
What disturbs the mind, fire or heat?
A patient walks in with dry nose, lips, and mouth, is thirsty, and constipated… These are manifestations of what pathogenic factor?
If anything is smelly or foul, it is a symptom of what pathogenic factor?
Which climatic factor is prevalent in spring?
Summer-heat attacks which part of the body?
The head and upper part of body
The pathogenic factor of Fire travels in which direction?
Upwards, rises to the head
Which climatic factor occurs in all seasons, but is prevalent in summer?
How is endogenous dampness produced?
Spleen dysfunction
External wind is associated with which element?
How does dampness invade the lower body?
Through channels of the legs to the organs of the lower abdomen
How does summer-heat effect body fluid?
Disperses and consumes body fluid
What does fire do to the blood?
Speeds blood and causes bleeding
What can arise from overexposure to sun, excessive heat, and lack of ventilation?
What does summer-heat do to pores?
Opens them
Clear urine and slow pulse are symptoms of what pathogenic factor?
Dryness easily damages which zangfu organ?
Name 5 manifestations of Exterior Wind
Rapid onset and changes, Aversion to wind and sweating, Headache, Sneezing, Cough, Itchy throat, Itchy Skin, Moving Pain
Name five manifestations of dampness.
Heaviness, tiredness, poor appetite, no thirst, sticky taste in mouth, foggy thinking, difficult urination, oozing discharges, greasy/sticky tongue, rolling or soft pulse
Which is of the climatic factors only occurs in one season?
Which pathogenic factor restricts circulation of qi and blood?
Which of the climatic factors is always exogenous, never endogenous?
Summer-heat often combines with which other climatic factor?
A patient comes in with a headache, dizziness and vertigo, tremors, and muscle spasms… These are manifestations of what pathogenic factor?
Internal Wind
A patient walks in with body aches, restricted movement, and chills… these are symptoms of what pathogenic factor?
Which pathogenic factor will impair the opening and closing of pores and the circulation of Wei qi?
Dampness is prevalent in which season?
Late summer
Heavy, sticky, and turbid all describe what pathogenic factor?
Which of the External Pathogenic Factors are yin in nature?
Cold and Dampness
What climatic factor is prevalent in autumn?
When combined with wind, dampness can invade through the _______.
What combines with dampness, fire or heat?
When summer-heat penetrates the interior as extreme heat, it will attack the _______.
What two ways cause disease in the pre-natal period?
Parents’ health conception, shock to the mother during pregnancy
Which pathogenic factor is prevalent in winter?
Dampness infuses in which direction?
A patient has rapid and onset changes, itchy throat, moving pain, and a cough… these are symptoms of what pathogenic factor?
Exterior Wind
What are the six climactic factors?
Wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, fire
Which pathogenic factor is the “king,” because others follow it?