Patterson Functionalist
PATTERSON - ‘host immigrant model’ emphasised the importance of culture in explaining racism, Patterson identified three causes of racial discrimination; 1)the host’s fear of social change 2)resentment about having to compete for jobs 3)the failure of ethnic minorities to assimilate. Some policies reflect the host-immigrant model such as new labour introducing the 45 minute citizenship test, and conservatives encouraging teaching British Values in schools
Parsons Functionalist
PARSONS - Claims ethnic inequalities are temporary and are a result of cultural differences, and equality will come once there is assimilation
Ethnic inequalities are not the fault of the system. Discrimination is not the reason for inequalities. Refer to common value systems. Ethnic inequalities are temporary and are a result of cultural differences between immigrants and the host nation. They are temporary and will disappear over time as the immigrant groups adapt and adopt the host culture. Assimilation - When a minority group gives up it’s own culture and values and becomes absorbed into the host culture.
Sewell New Right - use for “for” functionalism
Suggests that black youths are more likely to be in single parent families. (lack of positive role models) Young black Afro Caribbean males follow the ‘hyper masculine’ role models often shown in rap music videos on MTV. This helps them to create a ‘Gangsta’ identity where they achieve status amongst their peer group for wearing the right designer clothes and trainers, through being aggressive and through not working hard at school.
Murray New Right - use for “for” functionalists
Supports Sewell’s ideas as blames single mothers
-Form the underclass
Cox Marxism
Oliver Cox (1948)
There is a distinct relationship between capitalism and racism.
Racism would not have developed if capitalism did not exist.
‘If capitalism had not developed then the world may never have experienced racial prejudice.’ Slavery justified racism and was key to the growth of capitalism
Castles and Kosack Marxism
Castles and Kosack (1973)
Studied immigrant workers in Europe.
These groups were concentrated in low paid and low status work.
Discrimination in British society meant that there was an inability for ethnic minorities to get good jobs.
Ethnic minority workers formed a reserve army of labour
Ethnic minorities are the most disadvantaged group in the working class and do not form a separate underclass.
Racism was fostered and encouraged to divide the proletariat and weaken their power.
3 ideological reasons for this are
To legitimise
To divide and rule
To scapegoat
Solomos et al Neo Marxist
Solomos et al (1982) - Ethnic inequalities are linked to capitalism (as traditional Marxists would argue) but also to a variety of other factors such as: economic factors, government policies and the cultures of both ethnic minorities and the white working class. Explored racist attitudes in the 1970s and 1980s and claimed that a ‘New Racism’ had emerged.
Lawrence Neo Marxism
Lawrence (1982) - New Racism came about in the 1970s and 1980s for three reasons:
The ruling class created and reinforced new ideologies around the ideas of the ‘British nation’, ‘British peoples’ and British Culture’.
There was high unemployment and economic instability and immigrants came to be viewed as the source of the problem.
The different cultures of the immigrant groups were viewed in a negative way as a threat to British society which was suffering high crime rates and a breaking down of traditional family values.
Barron and Norris Weberian
Barron and Norris (1976) - ‘Dual labour’ market theory focuses on ethnic inequalities in employment.
There are two types of labour market:
Primary labour market = high pay, high status, job security, good working conditions and favourable promotion prospects.
Secondary labour market = lower paid jobs with less security, inferior working conditions and few opportunities for promotion.
Hybrid identities are emerging. Racial differences are a matter of choice and racial disadvantage is impossible to discuss as ethnic identity is not fixed: Les Back – East London Council Estate – Gill – Brasian and Blasian / White Mask - Burdsey - Code Switching