Ethnicity revision Flashcards
Cultural deprivation intellectual and linguist Skills
Lack of intellectual and then linguistic skills course and achievement minority children
Children will income black families lock intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences leaves them properly prepared for school not able to develop reasoning and problem solving skills
Cultural deprivation intellectual and linguist skills sociologists
Bereiter and englmen
Language spoken in low income black families is in adequate for achieving additional success sees it as ungrammatical disjointed and incapable of expressing abstract ideas
Concerns child health back educationally because not speak English at home
Gilborn and mira
Find Indian people do well despite English not being their first language
Cultural deprivation attitudes and values
Theorists link educational achievement to difference in value attitude and aspirations
Argue some black children socialised subcultures instil fatalistic attitude emphasise immediate gratification discourages value on education leaving them unequipped for success
Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support
Block lone parent family child deprived of adequate care have financial problems and lack of male role model cycle
Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support sewll
Not lone parents that causes under achievement it is lack of nourishing having no want to confide in absence of this lead to perverse loyalty and love turn in others
peers don’t help if you conform to school norms seen given into white establishment Asian to do better then black cause of cultural differences in socialisation and attitudes to education Racism also contributed under achievement
Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support Pryce and Lawrence
Underachievement due to lack and support
Asians higher Cheevers resistant to racism greater sense of self worth low self-esteem and underachieve
Lawrence challenges not all fail above factors but due to racism
Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support khan
Asian families stress written Bamber tradition controlling attitude obstacles to success
Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support criticism
Not all place importance
Do not consider internal factors
Black people fail due to to racism
Material deprivation
Many reasons why ethnic minority is great risk material deprivation
Low payment under employment and overcrowding
Live in economically depressed area high unemployment cultural factors women not working language skills. Racial discrimination
Material deprivation girborn and Mirza
Argue comparison made people same social class but different ethnic minorities black middle-class peoples comparatively poorly white middle-class peoples leads to unachievement
Racism in wider society
Great up of a material deprivation experience ethnic minorities product racism or the society
Mason discrimination continue and persistent feature experience British citizens of ethnic minority origin helps explain why some likely to face unemployment and low pay had negative affect children’s education
Internal factors ethnic differences in achievement
Ethnocentric curriculum
Describes attitudes of policy gives priority to culture and viewpoint of one particular ethnic group this regard others cultural bias
British curriculum ethnocentric priority white culture English language
Coard education system Makes blacks feel inferior content of education ignores black people example history British portrayed bring civilisation to primitive people there colonised
Not clear impact ethnocentric ignores black Asian cultures Indian Chinese people achieve above national average
Internal factors assessments
Guilbourn assessment game rigged validate dominant culture superiority
If black children succeed the rules will be change re-engineered Falier
Example past primary schools baseline assessment tested people started school replaced 2003 foundation stage profile result of change overnight black people’s now doing worse then white peoples
Teacher stereotype affecting results
Internal factors labelling
Conrad teacher has low expectations black peoples. Found disproportionately in lower streams likely excluded from school
Studies show teacher see black lesser extent Asian peoples far from ideal seen as disruptive Asians passive
Gilborn teachers underestimated the ability teachers interpreted their dress manner speech as representing challenge to their authority reflected racialised expectations
Concluded peceiving the treatment unfair people responded understandably accordance with conflict between teachers and pupils stem from racial stereotype than actual behaviour
Internal factors people identities
Archer teachers dominant discourse different ethnic minority people is lacking to say that I don’t eat of the ideal people
Pathologised people identity or demonised identity
Asian passage realised overachiever succeed hard work than natural ability
Black demonised unintelligent underachiever
Success ethnic minority people seen in terms of overachievement Chinese praised success but viewed having achieved wrong way hard work passive conformity rather than natural ability
Proper achievement seen natural preserved privileged white middle-class ideal people
Internal factors people responses and subcultures
Ethel genic research fellow small-group West Indian origin girls subculture has emerged reject the labels apply to them unlike male peers directed frustration anger towards achievement in school
Response to racism pride in gender and race determination to work hard prove their worth
Not conforming good peoples pro education not pro school suttle ways showed defiance
Study highlights people still succeed when refuse come from negative labelling does not always lead to Failure
Internal factors selection and segregation
Gilborn marketisation schools greater scope select people puts ethnic minority people’s disadvantage
Selection Moscow negative stereotype influence decisions school admissions
Ethnic minority end up unpopular schools also lack of information and application forms in minority languages parents often unaware how waiting-list work and impact of deadlines