ethnicity- int factors Flashcards
- teachers often label black + asian students as far from being the ‘ideal pupil’
- e.g. black pupils are seen as disruptive + asians as passive
Black pupils + discipline
Gilborn + Youdell (2000)
- Found teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour
- Argue this is the result of ‘racialised expectations’
- Teachers expect black pupils to present more discipline problems + misinterpret their behaviour as threatening/challenge to their authority
Bourne (1994)
- Found schools tend to see black boys as a threat + label them negatively–> exclusion
- Only 1/5 pupils achieve 5 GCSEs
Osler (2001)
- black pupils appear more likely to suffer from unrecorded unofficial exclusions + from ‘internal exclusions’ where they’re sent out of class
black pupils and streaming
Foster (1990)
- Found teachers’ stereotypes of black pupils as badly behaved could result in them being placed in lower sets
- Streaming black pupils based on negative stereotypes –> self-fulfilling prophecy + underachievement
Asian pupils
Wright (1992)
- Study of multi-ethnic primary school shows that Asian pupils can also be the victims of teachers’ labelling
E.g. teachers would assume Asian pupils have poor english skills + leave them out of class discussions or use simple language when talking to them
Pupil identites
Archer (2008)
- Describes how teacher dominant discourse (way of seeing something) constructs pupil identities
- Argue ethnic minorities are more likely to be seen as either demonised or pathologised pupils
- Found teachers often stereotype Asian girls as quiet, passive or docile
Ideal pupil identity
-white m/c masculine identity
-normal sexuality
,-seen as achieving in the right way through natural ability
pathologised pupil identity
-‘deserving poor’
-either asexual or an oppressed sexuality
-seen as a plodding conformist
-someone who overachieves through hard work rather than natural ability
Demonised pupil identityy
-black or white
-working class
-hyper-sexualised identity
-culturally deprived
Chinese pupils
-Archer argues minority pupils who perform successfully can still be seen as pathologised
E.G. Chinese students were simultaneously praised + viewed negatively
-Seen as achieving success in the wrong way
Fuller (1984)
-Study on group of black yr11 girls in a comprehensive school in London
-Girls were untypical as they were high achievers
- Believed that instead of accepting negative stereotypes they’ll channel the anger from being labelled into achieving
Mac + Ghaill (1992)
-Studied black + Asian a-level students
-Found they rejected the negative labels given by teachers
Mirza (1992)
-Studied ambitious black girls
-Found racist teachers discouraged black pupils from being ambitious through the advice they’d give them as career choices etc
-The girls had strategies to avoid this: were selective on who they’d ask for help from
Mirza: teacher racism
-Colour-blind- teachers who believe all pupils are equal but allow racism to go unchallenged
- Liberal chauvinists- teachers who believe black pupils are culturally deprived, have low expectations
- Overt racists- believe black pupils are inferior + actively discriminate against them
Sewell: 4 responses to schooling
-Rebels- most visible + influential group, small minority of black pupils
-Conformist- largest group, keen to succeed, anxious to avoid being stereotyped by teachers
-Retreatists- small minority, rejected black + school subcultures
-Innovators- pro-education BUT anti-school
-Only a small minority fit the stereotype of a ‘black macho lord’
Critical race theory
Racism is an ingrained feature of society
Locked-in equality
Gilborn 2008
-Ethnic inequality is so deep rooted that it’s become an inevitable feature of education
Marketisation + segregation
Gilborn (1997):
- Marketisation = allows negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school admissions
Moore + Davenport (1990):
- Selection–> ethnic segregation
- Found that primary school reports were used to screen out children with language difficulties
- These procedures favoured white pupils
ethnocentric curriculum
Ball (1994):
-Ethnocentric curriculum–> underachievement
E.g. in history, British people are seen as bringing civilisation to primitive countries they coloniseed
Access to opportunities
Gifted + talented programme:
-Aimed to meet the needs of inner-city schools
Tikly et al:
- Found in 30 schools in the Aim High initiative, black pupils are more likely to be entered into foundation compared to white pupils