Ethnicity and criminalisation?
*Black people, are over represented in the system.
*Black people make up 2.8% of the population but 11% of the prison population.
* White people are under represented.
The court against ethnicity and crime:
*The court system has been accused of favouring white middle class defendants thats why theres more black people in prison.
Poverty & relative deprivation:
*Hall: high level of unemployment among young black men leads to them not participating in mainstream society and turn to crime.
*Police have a stereotype of Afro-Caribbean men, therefore they focus more of their time and effort on those people in society that they believe are committing the majority pf crime.
Self fulfilling prophecy:
*Is when individuals start to act like the label they have on, such as the police arresting a large amount of black criminals rather than white criminals.
Institutional racism:
- Any kind of system of inequality based on race.
- Racism jn organisations such as the police and schools.
- Reinforces the views of black people as gangstas.
Social control:
- Black youth are more likely to be raised in single parent families than their white peers, and theses types of families is statistically associated with higher rates of juvenile offending.
Stop and search:
*Cashmore- used the idea of Merton strain theory to suggest that black people commit crime due to inability to achieve material success.
*Police uses the stop and search methods on black people more than white people.