Ethnicity and acheivement Flashcards
What is an ethnic group?
People who share a common history, customs and identity, seeing themselves as a distinct group
What trends are seen with ethnic differences in acheivement?
Black children do worse at GCSEs than white and asian children.
In all ethnic groups, girls do better than boys
What external factors could be to blame?
Cultural deprivation
Material deprivation
Racism in wider society
What are the main aspects of cultural deprivation?
Intellectual and Linguistic Skills
Attitudes and Values
Family Structure and Parental Support
How does cultural deprivation affect linguistic skills and cognitive development?
Many low income black families lack intellectual stimulation which means they are poorly equiped for school.
Bereiter and Engelmann say the language spoken in black families is poor
Students that speak English as a 2nd language are held back
What do Bereiter and Engelmann say about the langiage spoken in black families?
It’s poor and ungramatical which means children start school without the propper language skills
How does cultural deprivation affect attitudes and values?
Many black children are not socilised to be ambitious so have a lack of motivation. They live in the moment so don’t value education
How does cultural deprivation affect family structure and support?
Black families have a dysfunctional structure and are normally lone parent so they are deprived of adequate care and a father role model
How does Sewell argue that lone parent black families cause underacheivement?
Street ganges take the place of father figures by offering loyalty and love to their members. They hold anti-school values and see sucess as white
How does Sewell argue that Asian children suceed due to their culture?
Asian work ethic places a high value on education and the adult authority structure is similar to school so it’s easier for asian children to adapt
What are the main criticisms of cultural deprivation?
Ignores positive effects
Institutional racism
Victim blaming
How does Driver criticise cultural deprivation?
Ignores the positive effects of culture such as how it provides girls with strong role models
How does Eddie criticise cultural deprivation?
Its a victim blaming explanation and ignores the fact that the education system favours european culure
Why are ethnic minorities at greater risk of poverty?
Many live in urban areas with high unemployment
Cultural factors may prevent women from working
Some have poor language skills or qualifications that aren’t recognised in the UK
What proportion of ethnic minority children are in low income households?
How can material deprivation not override ethnicity?
80% of Chinese girls who are on free school meals acheive good GCSEs
How does racism in wider society affect attainment?
Discrimination in the housing market means they may only be in the catchment area of bad schools
Discrimination in employment means they’re more likely to be poor (Rex)