Ethnic Minorities in the FRG Flashcards
What evidence is there for positive gov attitudes towards guest workers in the 1950s and 60s?
-Gov guaranteed non-German workers same wages and labour recruitment treaties were signed with a no of different countries.
- 1964 minister for labour Theador Blank gave a speech to mark occasion of millionth guest worker saying they had been the foundation of Germanys success.
What evidence is there for negative attitudes from gov to guest workers in 1950s/60s
-Foregin workers did not have same rights as German citizens- even if contacts renewed it was on a year by year basis.
-For decades gov did not allow dual citizenship for turkish citizens.
- Gov agreed to give German preference when hiring.
When was the ban on guest workers introduced and why ?
What does this show ?
1973 ban and banned permits for families of workers already in the country.
Due to high unemployment fueled by oil crisis.
Gov hostility/ treat as second class citizens/ importance is dependant on economic circumstance.
When was the ban on foreign workers lifted ?
Who was appointed to work for the rights and improved integration of guest workers by Helmut Schmidt and when ?
What other positive changes implemented by gov at a similar time ?
1978 (turning point ?) - the first federal commisoner for foreign affairs.
At same time : Clear set of rules for applying for unrestricted residence but not citizenship laid down.
Also gov promoted democratic equality and better education. Eg tried to persude the lander to provide mixed culture learning groups with guest learners kids and germans.
What evidence is there that guest workers were taking the jobs that Germans did not want ?
1961-1973 approx 3 mil german workers switched from industrial/ agricultural work to white collar jobs.
Approx 870,000 Germans left jobs in mining and 1.1 million guest workers took these jobs.
In what way did the recession of 1966 produce hostility towards guest workers?
At this time many landlords refused to take guest workers as tenants , confinign them to poorer areas with other guest workers.
In 1964 what percentage of guest workers had been living in the FRG for at least 3 years ?
25 %
What was the increase in foregin children in schools in 1976 compaed to 1983 ?
165,000 in 1976 to 200,000 in 1983
Why was there mixed attitudes towards ethnic associations ?
On the one hand the organisations helped the newcomers settle in, helping them learn the lang and learn cultural differences.
On the other hand some West Germans thought these organisations slowed, or even stopped , the newcomers from integrating into West German life.
How many foreign workers were recruited from 1960 to the ban in 1973 ?
no of workers grew from 280,000 to 2.6 million.
In what year was there almost full employment ?
Why did the gov promise preference to German workers and guarantee same wages?
To please unions - they thought guest workers would force wages down.