Explanation 1
There is a direct relationship between capitalism and racism
There is a direct relationship between capitalism and racism
There is a direct relationship between capitalism and racism (cox)
- The idea of race is itself a human creation
- Racism was something developed by exploiters against the exploited to justify exploitation
- Racism has its origins in the development of capitalism with its needs to systematically exploit labour power
- White people developed capitalism and therefore they first developed racism
- He claims that ‘if capitalism had not developed then the world may never have experienced racial prejudice’
Explanation 2
immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society
immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society
castles and kosack
immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society (castles and kosack)
- most immigrants were concentrated, low skilled and low paid manual jobs were mainly carried out in poor working conditions
- many immigrants were also unemployed
- this treatment of immigrants derived from the need in capitalist societies for a reserve army of labour
- It was necessary to have a surplus of labour to keep wage costs down
- Capitalist economies were inherently unstable
- They underwent periods of boom and slump and a reserve army of labour needed to be available to be hired and fired as the fluctuating fortunes of the economy dictated
covid 19 example for immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society
- Key workers are those who are deemed necessary to the continued functioning of society during the lockdown
- Workers in these sectors were most likely to still be attending a physical workplace and so may be at higher risk of contradicting covid 19
explanation 3
the ruling class divide the working class for ideological purposes
the ruling class divide the working class for ideological purposes
Castles and kosack
the ruling class divide the working class for ideological purposes (castles and kosack)
- countries in europe turned to immigrant labour to provide a necessary cheap pool of workers who could be profitably exploited
- The arrival of immigrants led to the working class being divided into 2 groups
- indigenous white population becoming the top layer of the working class and the immigrant workers becoming the most disadvantaged
- his divide and rule tactic was beneficial to the ruling class as it suppressed the overall wage levels of the working classes and immigrants could be scapegoated
- Blamed for problems such as unemployment, house shortages
- This allows the capitalist class to divert the white working class’ attention from the real cause of inequality
- This situation became too divided to unite and overthrow the capitalist system
Explanation 4
the ruling class uses the media to detract attention away from capitalist failings
the ruling class uses the media to detract attention away from capitalist failings
the ruling class uses the media to detract attention away from capitalist failings (hall)
- Moral panic over black criminality at the time created a diversion away from the wider economic crisis.
- Hall broke his analysis into several stages:
1. Capitalism faced crisis
2. The recession lead to further social economic marginalisation of black youths
3. The media picked up on the street robberies
4. The government responded to this by putting more police in areas
5. This lead to higher arrests
6. Public attention is focused on the problem of black criminality