Ethnic differences in achievement (E) Flashcards
What are the ethnic differences in achievement?
- Asian pupils do better than other ethnic groups
- white and Asians do better than black people
- class differences white w/c boys do worst than any other ethnic group
What are the 3 external factors that affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- cultural deprivation
- material deprivation
- racism in wider society
What are the three aspects of the cultural deprivation explanation?
- language
- attitudes and values
- family structure & parental support
How has language affected ethnic differences in achievement?
- cultural deprivation theorists see lack of linguistic skills as a major cause of underachievement for some minority ethnic groups which leaves them poorly equipped for school
- Bereiter & Engelmann claimed that language spoken by low income black families is inadequate for educational success (ungrammatical & disjointed) >(linked to restricted code, elaborated code used in education system)
- parents have few qualifications so unable to use language that challenges children & enhance cognitive performance
Evaluation of the view that language has affected ethnic differences in achievement
- Baker-Bell> sees these views as an example of anti-black lingusitic racism which labels black speech as inferior and white speech as superior > white mainstream english dominates in society= lingusitic volencce
- students who speak a language other than English perform well academically > language differences alone do not explain disparities
How has family structure & parental support amongst black families affected ethnic differences in achievement?
- Moyinhan> black families are headed by lone mothers, thus children are deprived of adequate care because of struggles with finances as well as lack a adequate male role model> unstable families ultimately leads to failure at school (New right)
- Sewell> sees problem as a lack of fatherly love e.g. ‘tough love’ that leads to black boys underachieveing > street gangs thus offer fatherless boys this ‘preserve loyalty & love’ which present boys with a media inspired role model of an anti-black masculinity
- black boys are also subjected to anti-educational peer pressure from other boys as they would be seen as sell outs if they conformed to achieveing educationally
Evaluation of the Moynihan & Sewells view on black families
- Driver > ignores the positive effects of black family structures & achievemnt e.g. the effect it has on black girls who achieve academically from female posiitve role models
- downplays impact of racism > Gillborn argues that it is institutional racism in the education system that produces failure of black boys e.g teacher bias & expectations
- underestimates the role of material & cultural resources in shaping acheievement> those with higher cultural capital tend to provide more educational support
How has family structure & parental support amongst Asian familiees & white w/c families affected ethnic differences in achievement?
- Sewell> Asian pupils e.g. Indian & Chinese benefit from supoortive families that have an asian work ethic & place a high value on education
- Lupton > adut authority in schools is similar to the model that operates in schools, parents also more supportive of schools behavioural policies
- Lupton> Lack of parental support in white w/c families led to poorer levels of behaviour & discipline in white w/c schools
Evaluation of Sewell’s and Lupton’s view on Asian families
- overlooks school influences e.g. Asian students may benefit from positive stereotyping by teachers (‘model minority’ myth) which can lead to higher expectations
- Perspective treats Asian families as an homogeneous group, ignoring differences between subgroups e.g. Indian , Pakistani, Chinese families etc Indian & Chinese outperform their peers
What policy has been introduced to tackle cultural depriavtion?
- compensatory education e.g. aiming higher scheme focused on increasing participation of ethnic minorities in higher education
Evaluation of the cultural deprivation theory as a whole that has not already been mentioned
- Keddie> sees cultural deprivation as a victim blaming explanation, EM children are culturally different not culturally deprived > achievement due to the fact that schools are Eurocentric which can alienate students from EM backgrounds
How does material deprivation affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- material deprivation explanation sees educational failure as resulting from factors such as substandard housing & low income
- minority ethnic groups are more likely to face these problems
- Palmer > almost half of all children from MEB live in low-income households
- 3x more likely to be homeless
- likely to engaged in shift work
How does racism in wider society affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- some sociologist argue that poverty is a result of racism
- Rex shows how racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and how this worsens the poverty faced by MEG e.g. minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard accommodation than white people of the same class
How does labelling and teacher racism affect achievement?
- interactionists studies show that teachers often label black & Asian pupils as being far from ‘the ideal pupil’ e.g. black people seen as disruptive & Asian students seen as passive
- these labels may lead teachers to treat children from MEB differently
How do Gillborn & Youdell show the impact of labelling on black pupils?
- they found that teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour
- they argue that this is as a result of teachers ‘racialised expectations’
- found that teachers expected black pupils to present more discipline problems & misinterpreted their behaviour as threatening or challenging authority
- pupils responded negatively, leading to further conflict (exclusions)
Evaluation of Gillborn and Youdell on teacher labelling
- pupils can resist label e.g. fullers study
- Sewell argues that racism within schools is not powerful enough to prevent individuals from succeeding rather its external factor > peer groups and family
How do Gillborn & Youdell show the effect of streaming on black pupils?
- Gillborn & Youdell found that in the ‘A to C’ economy teachers focus on those students who they believe are most likely to achieve a Grade C at GCSE, a process they call ‘educational triage’
- negative stereotypes about pupils ability that teachers hold means they are more likely to be placed in lower streams
- results in a self-fulfilling prophecy of underachievement
How does Wright’s study show the effect of labelling on Asian pupils?
- Asian peoples can also be victims of teachers labelling
- found that teachers held ethnocentric views (British culture> superior)
- affected how they related to pupils as they assumed they would have a poor grasp of English
- Asian pupils also felt isolated when teachers expressed disapproval of their customs & mispronounced their names
- Asian girls felt marginalised & pushed to the edges
How does pupil identities affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- teachers often define pupils as having stereotypical identities
- Archer> teachers dominant discourse defines MEG pupils identities as lacking the favoured identity of the ideal pupil
- Ideal pupil identity > white, m/c, masculinised identity & heterosexual > achieved in the right way through ability
- pathologized pupil identity > an Asian ‘deserving poor’ feminised identity > seen as conformist & overachiever > achieved through hard work
- Demonised pupil identity > white or black w/c hyper-sexualised identity > seen as unintelligent & a under achiever
How does pupils response & subcultures affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- research suggest that pupils can respond to teacher racism & negative labelling in a variety of ways e.g. becoming disruptive or withdrawn or rejecting label
- Fuller study of black girls who were high achievers but instead of accepting negative teacher labels the girls challenged their anger into the pursuit of educational success > negative labelling does not always lead to failure