Ethics2 Flashcards
Research: Name and describe the 4 Guiding Principles of Research Ethics, as stated in the Ethical guidelines for Social and Behavioural Research
1) Merit and Integrity – Research benefit is weighed against any possible risks; design is based on thorough literature search; honest research with commitment to search for knowledge.
2) Justice – don’t take advantage of a resource pool because it’s convenient; think about where the benefits of the research will flow.
3) Beneficence – Assess risks and benefits to Ps; be sensitive to rights and interests of Ps, reflect on social and cultural implications of research.
4) Respect – inherent dignity and rights of people
Research: Name and describe the categories of Risk for participants
1) Negligible risk = no harm or discomfort
2) Low risk = discomfort only
3) Not low risk = more serious than discomfort, even if unlikely
Where harm = Pain, injury, illness Distress, guilt, embarrassment, fear Feeling humiliated or manipulated Damage to relationships e.g. social, employment Legal implications
Discomfort =
E.g. minor side effects of drug, anxiety during interview, having blood pressure taken
Inconvenience =
E.g. filling in a questionnaire, participating in street survey
Research: Name and describe the two conditions for consent
1) Free – voluntary, no pressure, no excessive inducements, cognizant of power differentials (e.g. doc/patient, teacher/student, show that you can assure Ps if no risk to level of care, future grade, employment etc if refuse)
2) Informed – Ps must understand broad study topic, what they’ll be asked to do, time requirement, risks/ must be comprehensible; tell Ps nature of questions e.g. health, anxiety; tell about content of media e.g. video of boy by father’s bedside; tell Ps if test of some kind e.g. memory or speed
Research: Describe who can/must give consent, what forms consent may take, and under what circumstances consent can be withdrawn
Consent can be given by…
a. Any fit adult 18years or over,
b. 17 year old flinders uni students participating in low risk research
c. For child or young person under 18 years, the consent of a parent/guardian AND the consent of the child or young person
d. For and adult with an intellectual disability or physical impairment, get consent of their parent/guardian AND the individual wherever possible. If there are times they are more lucid than others, try to get consent when more lucid.
e. In some circumstances or communities consent may need to be retrieved from other interested parties also.
Research: Consent must be obtained before commencing any research and will take the form of ….
a) Signed consent form
b) Implied through return of questionnaire
c) Oral under certain circumstances (e.g. recorded for
interview; when getting consent from child or vulnerable adult)
The Participant can withdraw consent at any time, with no reason needed to be given. They can withdraw from participating entirely or just not participate in certain tasks or answer certain questions. Any consequences of not participating must be explained before proceeding with the research.
Research: Describe some processes that protect confidentiality and anonymity
a) Keep consent forms separate to Ps data
b) Use de-identified data
c) Disclose any limitation to confidentiality beforehand, e.g. mandatory notification
Research: Describe strategies for risk/harm minimisation
a) Never assume what Ps might be ok with
b) Sensitive choice of manipulations, anticipate, screen and monitor Ps during research, use thorough and sensitive debriefing
c) Provide Ps with names of specific, accessible, free services if needed
Research: Name 5 things you would seek ethics approval for using, and 3 things you don’t, as stated in the Ethical guidelines for Social and Behavioural Research:
a. People
b. Sacred sites
c. Personally identifiable records
d. Unpublished data on humans
e. Involving or impacting on indigenous people
Don’t need approval for –
a. Gathering publicly accessible information
b. Topic evaluation
c. Audit within university
Research: Describe the actions for ethical review and conduct of research, as stated in the Ethical guidelines for Social and Behavioural Research
a. Stop or modify research that was riskier for participants than you thought
b. Storing and disposing of material confidentially
c. If needed, have a translator present for interview, during research etc, and documents written in language Ps can understand, and a signed ‘translation accuracy certificate’ form from the website if necessary.
d. If done overseas comply with Australian law
e. Payment must be small so not as incentive and must be recorded. No raffles or lotteries.
f. On application form researcher must disclose sources and amounts of funding, or any affiliations or financial interests
Research: Name 5 Guiding principles you need to address when doing research involving collectivities
a. Whether collectivity leaders should be consulted
b. Whether arrangements to address issues have followed process of negotiation
c. Issues of consent, privacy, confidentiality, and harms within collectivity
d. Ownership of data and dissemination or research findings
e. Manner in which disagreements with researcher will be resolved
Research: Name 5 guiding principles that relate to work involving indigenous people specifically
a. Consultation with state/federal/local indigenous agencies re usefulness of research, sensitivity to political and cultural situation of communities concerned prior to design of project proposal.
b. Ideally collaborate project design with indigenous group/organisations, with social and cultural needs taken into account
c. Written consent from Ps and elders/leaders/spokespeople. Clear information sheet to Ps, although verbal if necessary
d. Written research contract (if possible) of agreement re return of identifiable data and secure storage
e. Before publication or presentation of findings, convey findings to Ps and summary of research findings to community through agencies as appropriate. Pictorial material only with consent and handled by their guidelines. Use indigenous assistants or contributors where possible and acknowledge them. Co authorship if possible.
f. When applying to SBREC also send PDF ONLY to Yunggorendi First Nations Centre, they’ll advise uni and their response will be on Uni response to application
Research: Describe guidelines for questionnaires and interviews
a. Consent form not required for ADULT (or 17yo Flinders Uni Student) for questionnaire/survey study. Still include a letter of intro and information sheet
b. Data collection, analysis and storage forever confidential unless have written authorisation from P.
c. Ps free to decline any questions
d. For recording of interview written permission required, unless you can’t get written permission due to cultural, literacy, or confidentiality issues.
e. Carry approved ID card at all times
f. In schools – need permission from principle, consent form from parent/guardian and also child if competent
g. Public school need DECD ethics approval
h. In school need criminal history check
i. Telephone survey interviewer, must identify self unambiguously at first contact, indicate position in uni, describe nature of research, inform P they can refuse, withdraw, not answer specific questions etc, guarantee confidentiality and anonymity, give name and contact details of Executive Officer of ethics committee and allowed to verify project if desired.
Research: Describe special considerations for children or vulnerable adults as participants
a. Consent should be given by child wherever possible AND parent/guardian/organisation (where required by law) except for 17yo Flinders Uni Student.
b. Child refusal must be respected
c. Consent should be given by vulnerable person wherever possible AND parent/guardian/organisation (where required by law). If there are times the persona is capable of giving consent, e.g. lucidity, and times they are not, request consent when they are capable.
d. In school, need permission from principle, consent from parent/guardian and also child if competent
e. Public school need DECD ethics approval
f. In school need criminal history check
Research: Describe information privacy principles
The privacy act says that record keepers (i.e. external agencies) can’t give info re client details or contact info, so ethics committee usually won’t approve:
a. Agencies providing contact details, although the agency may be able to contact individuals and invite them to contact the researcher
b. Records being obtained unless Ps got full disclosure and gave consent.
Research: Describe information required re application for ethics approval
a. Name, status, contact details of researcher + supervisor
b. Title of project and timeframe for collecting data
c. Outline of project, significance, objectives, methodology, explain how method addresses objectives
d. Info of Ps, how they’ll be obtained, who they are, how many are approached and recruited, from what source, are there cultural or religious concerns
e. Ethical matters including confidentiality and data storage
f. Email PDF to SBREC exec officer
g. Request approval of any changes
h. Inform if project discontinued before expected
Research: List 3 out of the 6 considerations/requirements the (Ethics) Committee must be satisfied with before approving a study which involves deception.