Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism Flashcards
How does the RICS ensure standards of professional conduct and practice are upheld?
RICS Rules of Conduct implemented through Bye-Laws and the regulation of firms
Please list the Rules of Conduct
- Be honest, act with integrity, and comply with professional and RICS obligations
- Maintain professional competence and ensure services are provided by competent individuals with the necessary expertise
- Provide a high-quality and diligent service
- Treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion
- Act in the public interest, take responsibility for your actions and act to prevent harm
Provide 5 examples behaviours to comply with the RICS Ethics Rule 1 (Honesty & integrity)
- Do not mislead others by their actions or omissions, or being complicit in the actions of others
- Have an effective process to manage and keep a record of actual and potential conflicts of interest
- Be open and transparent with clients regarding fees and services
- Do not take unfair advantage of others
- Do not facilitate any financial crime including money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, or corruption
Provide 5 examples behaviours to comply with the RICS Ethics Rule 2 (Professional competence for self and others)
- Only undertake work when you have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and resources
- Supervise any employees and ensure they have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and resources
- Reflect on employee’s work, what they’ve learned and how it can be improved
- Develop their knowledge through CPD
- Stay up to date with current legislation, code of practice, and other technical standards
Provide 5 examples behaviours to comply with the RICS Ethics Rule 3 (High quality and diligent service)
- Understand the client’s needs and objectives before accepting work
- Agree on the scope of service with the client including limitations and timescales
- Communicate effectively
- Understand the risks and benefits of technology
- Establish effective quality assurance processes
Provide 5 examples behaviours to comply with the RICS Ethics Rule 4 (Treat others with respect and encourage diversity)
- Respect the rights of others and treat others with courtesy
- Do not bully, victimise or harass anyone
- Do not involve firms engaged in modern slavery or other workforce abuse
- Work cooperatively with others
- Develop an inclusive culture and support equal opportunities
Provide 5 examples behaviours to comply with the RICS Ethics Rule 5 (Act in the public interest, take responsibility, act to prevent harm, and maintain public confidence)
- Support colleagues who acted in good faith to report concerns
- Respond to complaints promptly and professionally
- Do not dissuade complaints from approaching an ADR provider
- Manage professional finances responsibly
- Take appropriate action when rules have been breached, and report suspected significant breaches of the Rules of Conduct to RICS
Are you aware of any RICS Regulation on the use of social media accounts?
- Use of social media: guide for RICS members. Version 1 - effective from 30 June 2021
- Standards do not change to what is expected in face-to-face interactions
What is the bribery act 2010? 
The bribery act covers criminal law relating to bribery. This contains four main bribery offences:
- bribing another person
- being bribed
- bribing a foreign public official
- failure by commercial organisation to prevent bribery
What are the six principles of the bribery act?
Proportionality - The action taken should be proportionate to the risk and size of the organisation.
Top level commitment - Those in senior positions are best place to ensure the organisation conduct business without bribery.
Risk assessment - Many organisations will have little or no risk of bribery a risk assessment will show the nature or extent of exposure to bribery.
Due diligence - Due diligence procedures must be applied taking a proportionate and risk based approach with regards to individuals who perform or will perform services on behalf of the organisation.
Communication - Employers will need to communicate their policies and procedures to staff and others who perform services, additional training may help raise awareness.
Monitoring and review - as an overarching principle organisation should monitor and review procedures designed to prevent bribery by persons associated with it and make improvements where necessary.
List the core professional obligations for members and firms in the Rules of Conduct
- Comply with CPD requirements
- Cooperate with RICS
- Provide all information requested by the Standards and Regulation Board
- Cooperate with RICS
- Provide all information requested by the Standards and Regulation Board
- Publish a complaints handling procedure, which includes an RICS-approved alternative dispute resolution provider, and maintain a complaints handling log
- Cover all past and current work using the appropriate professional Indemnity cover that meets the RICS standards
- Sole principles must make arrangements for their professional work to continue in the event of their incapacity, death, or absence from work
- Business literature must include a designation note that RICS regulates them
- Report any matters required under the RICS Rules for the Registration of Firms
Are you aware of the RICS Regulation on the use of social media accounts?
Use of social media: guidance for RICS members. Version 1 - 30 June 2023
- Standards expected of members do not change because they are communicating online rather than face-to-face
Why does RICS publish guidance notes and do Chartered Surveyors have to follow them?
- Guidance notes outline best practice within the profession and provide advice to surveyors on how to complete certain activities
- They should be followed; members should remain up to date to ensure competence. If there is ever a negligence claim and a member has not followed a guidance note, the courts or the adjudicator may review these to determine whether the member has acted competently
What is the ‘Black Book’?
The ‘Black Book’ is a suite of guidance notes that define good technical standards for quantity surveying and construction professionals.
Are you aware of any regulation in association with the use of the RICS logo by regulated firms and Chartered Professionals?
- Rules for the use of the RICS logo and designation by firms
- Guidelines for the personal use of the RICS logo and designation by professionals
Can you clarify what an individual should do to maintain a high ethical standard in their profession?
- Keep their own actions under review, inside and outside of work
- Maintain CPD appropriate in their area of work (e.g. applicable law and regulations)
- Follow advice given by professional bodies on ethical behaviour
- Help their own organisation to develop ethical ways of working
- Noting any unethical behaviour by others and addressing with the individual where appropriate
What can employers do to create an ethical environment?
- Establish confidential procedures for ‘whistle blowing’, independent of the normal chain of command
- Include ethical evaluations in formal performance appraisals
- Include ethical standards
What is the difference between ethics and integrity?
- Ethics are moral principles that govern behavior or the conducting of an activity
- Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and values
Put simply, ethics looks at the big moral picture while integrity is focused on personal characteristics
What tools produced by RICS are available to help members make ethical decisions?
RICS ethics decision tree.
Basic questions:
- Do you have sufficient facts on the issue?
- Is it legal?
- Is it in line with RICS Rules of Conduct?
- Have you consulted the appropriate people to make an informed decision?
- Do you have clear reasoning in reaching your decision?
Are you aware of any rules associated with registering a Firm with RICS?
Rules for the registration of firms - Version 8 2 February 2022
When is a firm required to register for regulation?
A firm is required to register for regulation by RICS if:
a) The firm provides surveying services to the public
b) The firm is operating in Regulated Area A (UK)
c) At least 50% of the Firm’s Principals are RICS Members
In which circumstances are Firms eligible to register for regulation?
Rule 4.1 - A firm is eligible to register for regulation by RICS if:
a) The firm provides surveying services to the public and
b) At least 25% of the Firm’s Principals are RICS Members
Rule 4.2 - A firm is also eligible to register for regulation by RICS if it meets the requirements of Rules 4.1 (a); and either:
a) The Head of Regulation is satisfied that the Firm is implementing an appropriate plan to secure compliance with Rule 4.1 (b) within a reasonable period of time or;
b) The Head of Regulation is satisfied that the Firm is appropriately supported and supervised by another RICS-registered Firm or Firms that fulfil the requirements
What is a locum?
- A firm that has a sole principal (sole practitioner or a sole director) must have in place appropriate arrangements in the event of that sole principal’s death or incapacity, or extended absences
- A locum is effectively another professional who is appointed to ‘stand in’ for the surveyor if they are unable to work, e.g. in the event of an accident/illness, unforeseen circumstances, prolonged absence or death
Who can be a locum?
A trustworthy professional e.g. Chartered Surveyor, solicitor or accountant