Ethics Principles Flashcards
Promoting a person’s well-being; doing what is best for one’s patients
To do no harm
Distributive Justice
Promote a fair allocation of goods, benefits and services
Autonomy/Self Determination
Prescribes that a person acts to foster personal responsibility and plan her life to develop her abilities and opportunities to flourish
Telling the Truth
Keeping promises
providing service in a fair manner without bias
Give assent, approval or agree. Acknowledges that patient or parent has adequate information to make informed decision for patient care or procedure
Assisting the patient achieve a developmentally appropriate awareness of the nature of his or her condition. Telling the patient what he or she can expect with tests and treatments. Making a clinical assessment of the patient’s understanding of the situation and factors influencing how he or she is responding. Soliciting an expression of the patient’s willingness to accent the proposed care.