Ethics of Communication Flashcards
Moral duty and obligation
(Cheney, May, Munshi, 2011)
Distinguishing what is right and wrong (good or bad)
Distinguishing what is right and wrong (good or bad)
is always a part of communication
Ethical choice
How we behave and our morals affect the way we communicate
Communication Ethics
what we say and how we say it can positively or adversely have an effect on communication
Communication Ethics
Communicative Act
Purpose of communicating
Means of communicating
Outcome of communicating
How can we maximize happiness while minimizing pain?
Utilitarian ethics
Morally acceptable decisions are those that promote the greatest amount of happiness and minize harm
(Jeremy Bentham)
Moral quality of an action by its outcomes
Utilitarian ethics
Deontological Ethics in 18th Century
Immanuel Kant
In contrast with the utilitarian ethics
Moral Duty
Formal laws that must be obeyed
Compels everyone to respect the dignity of the human person
Moral Duty
Individual’s character as a key element of ethical thinking
Virtue Ethics
Rather than laws (Moral) or outcomes (Utilitarian), it focuses on values
Virtue Ethics
Moral and Intellectual Values
Own good = Good of the community
The common good approach
Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero
The common good approach
Ethicist John Rawls
Theory of Justice
Focus on ensuring that social systems, policies, institutions and environment are beneficial to all
The common good approach
An Ethical Communicator
Respects Audience
Respects the truth
Uses information properly
Dos not falsify information
Respects Audience
Respects the truth
Uses information properly
Dos not falsify information
According to?
(Johannsen, 2007)
Latin of respect