Ethics in America DANTES Flashcards
What is the Socratic Method?
That everything is open to question
Which philosopher believed that people should always be treated as an end and never a means?
What was the Quaker movement based on?
That each person can be God’s spokesperson
Hobbes and Locke did not agree about what?
Locke did not believe that man’s inherent nature was one of war
Which of the following was not a belief held by Thomas Aquinas?
- Laws should not punish but simply retrain those that need guidance and virtue
- Humans have a natural inclination to protect life
- Humans are inclined to be good
- Humans have certain inclinations, such a procreation.
Laws should not punish but simply retrain those that need guidance and virtue
What was the cornerstone of Rousseau’s social contract?
people should give up their natural rights to the general will for both safety and freedom
What are the two branches of utilitarianism?
act and rule
What is Aristotle’s “golden mean”?
The average to prevent and under or over response to a situation
From which philosopher did Jefferson’s ideas for the US Constitution originate?
Socrates believed all of the following except:
- Ultimate human good is happiness
- People the do not act virtuously need to be punished
- Happiness comes from a virtuous soul
- People that do not act virtuously should be taught virtue and not punished
People the do not act virtuously need to be punished
What is Jeremy Bentham’s hedonic calculus?
Attempt to measure happiness
According to Plato what are the parts of the soul?
Appetite, Reason, and Spirit
What is divine command theory?
God commands what is right and prohibits what is wrong
Who said, “Act so that you treat humanity. whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never merely as a means?”
What is the difference between empirical and normative evaluation?
Empirical is considered hard fact; normative demonstrates the evaluator’s belief
Who formed the naturalistic fallacy?
Which philosopher opined the the Athenians heeded the concept “might makes right”?
John Rawls’ belief that in order to form an equitable social contract one must not know whether they will be wealthy or poor is called:
veil of ignorance theory
John Rawls’ position that says individuals must be as free as possible without infringing on the other called?
Original position
When Martin Luther King, Jr. said “an unjust las is no law at all,” who inspired him?
What do consequentialists believe?
Morality is defined by results, not the action
Why did Epicurus believe we should’t fear the gods?
because the gods had no influence on the lives of humans
Who believed that a person’s highest ethical duty was loyalty?
What is the definition of philosophy?
the study of basic questions about human life and experience
What do objectivists believe?
what is right is always right
Epictetus was a famous?
In the Old Testament, the Covenant is between God and whom?
The Israelites
Which philosopher subscribed to all of Aristotle’s virtues but added, “faith, hope and love”?
What group opposes the deontologist’s philosophy?
The hedonist __________ believed that pleasure was good and pain was bad. But, that _______ was the greatest virtue?
Epicurus, Moderation
What are the three major categories of ethics?
Normative, applied, meta-ethic
What are the two types of virtues according to Aristotle?
Character and intellect
Which of the following is not one of the conditions in the double effect principle:
- There is no good reason for permitting the evil
- The action must not be evil
- The evil must be the means to a good
- The evil must not be intended
There is no good reason for permitting the evil. The fourth condition is there must be sufficiently good reasons to permit the evil.
In Plato’s work Republic, he discusses a perfect city. All of the following are “virtues” of a perfect city except:
- Wisdom
- Kindness
- Temperance
- Justice
Who of the following do not subscribe to ethical hedonism:
- Bentham
- Epicurus
- Epictetus
- John Stuart Mill
Epictetus was a stoic not a hedonist
What was The Apology, written by Plato, about?
Defense of Socrates’ trial
What kind of ethics is the hedonist belief that anything goes in seeking pleasure?
Nancy was dying of cancer and she was in agony. Her final statement to her husband, Greg, before slipping into a coma, was a request for him to end her suffering. Greg met with her sisters Ann Marie, Sofia, and Mary to discuss the options
- Greg: Nancy wishes for her suffering to end. There is no good days left for her. I think we should relieve her of her pain.
- Ann Marie: Whether or not she wants to end her suffering, I can’t agree. It feels so wrong.
- Sofia: But Ann Marie, pain should be avoided. We need to end her suffering. It’s not fair to her if we don’t.
- Mary: Everyone, you need to put yourself in poor Nancy’s shoes. If you were suffering would you want someone to end your life?
Who is the Kantian that believes in categorical imperatives?
Mary asks if the rest of the group would be comfortable the euthanasia as a general rule, which is a categorical imperative.
Nancy was dying of cancer and she was in agony. Her final statement to her husband, Greg, before slipping into a coma, was a request for him to end her suffering. Greg met with her sisters Ann Marie, Sofia, and Mary to discuss the options
- Greg: Nancy wishes for her suffering to end. There is no good days left for her. I think we should relieve her of her pain.
- Ann Marie: Whether or not she wants to end her suffering, I can’t agree. It feels so wrong.
- Sofia: But Ann Marie, pain should be avoided. We need to end her suffering. It’s not fair to her if we don’t.
- Mary: Everyone, you need to put yourself in poor Nancy’s shoes. If you were suffering would you want someone to end your life?
Who is the emotivist?
Ann Marie bases her value on her own feeling, the marking of an emotivist
Nancy was dying of cancer and she was in agony. Her final statement to her husband, Greg, before slipping into a coma, was a request for him to end her suffering. Greg met with her sisters Ann Marie, Sofia, and Mary to discuss the options
- Greg: Nancy wishes for her suffering to end. There is no good days left for her. I think we should relieve her of her pain.
- Ann Marie: Whether or not she wants to end her suffering, I can’t agree. It feels so wrong.
- Sofia: But Ann Marie, pain should be avoided. We need to end her suffering. It’s not fair to her if we don’t.
- Mary: Everyone, you need to put yourself in poor Nancy’s shoes. If you were suffering would you want someone to end your life?
Who is the utilitarian?
Greg shoe that he is utilitarian by observing that Nancy has no good days left and so it would be best to end her suffering.
Nancy was dying of cancer and she was in agony. Her final statement to her husband, Greg, before slipping into a coma, was a request for him to end her suffering. Greg met with her sisters Ann Marie, Sofia, and Mary to discuss the options
- Greg: Nancy wishes for her suffering to end. There is no good days left for her. I think we should relieve her of her pain.
- Ann Marie: Whether or not she wants to end her suffering, I can’t agree. It feels so wrong.
- Sofia: But Ann Marie, pain should be avoided. We need to end her suffering. It’s not fair to her if we don’t.
- Mary: Everyone, you need to put yourself in poor Nancy’s shoes. If you were suffering would you want someone to end your life?
Who is the hedonist? (Epicurist)
Sofia disuse’s the avoidance of pain, his is a hedonistic principle
What is the harm principle?
the government can coerce only to prevent harm to others
Which group of people is not automatically “covered” under the harm principle?
What is the offensive principle?
that government should be able to prevent the offense of others
What kind of law is represented by the statement “suicide is illegal”?
paternalistic law (prevention of self-harm)
Before a person can take part in a scientific experiment, many conditions must be met. What are they?
Minimal risk
Must understand the risks and make there own decision
Can end participation anytime
Why did Bentham Believe that animals should be used with care during medical experiments?
because they can experience pain
What kind of justice is concerned with the “fairness” of punishment?
Retributive justice
What kind of justice is concerned with the fairness of laws that govern a country?
Distributive justice
What kind of justice is someone seeking when they sue for malpractice?
Compensatory justice
Which group thinks wars are never acceptable?
According to the Catholic Church, which of the following is a requirement for a just war?
- War must be funded by the government
- War must be for a just cause
- War must be authorized by a competent authority
- War must be fought with the right intentions
War must be funded by the government
Which of the following is not a right adopted by the united nations in 1948:
- Right to life
- Right to pursue happiness
- Freedom rights
- Subsistence rights
Right to pursue happiness
Which of the following is not true about active and passive euthanasia?
- Active euthanasia involves an act to bring about one’s death
- Passve euthanasia involves a lack of acting to bring about one’s death
- Active euthanasia is practiced by the government in the form of the death penalty
- All of the above
All of the above
What is the stubborn refusal to consider challenges to an ethical point of view?