Ethics Flashcards
How would you define ethical behaviour for a chartered surveyor?
Acting in accordance with the 5 RICS professional and ethical standards
Why are the ethical standards important?
Create a clear and streamlined guide to members to ensure that clients and anyone else who deals with the RICS has confidence in the profession
Name the RICS professional and ethical standards.
- Act with integrity
- Always provide a high standard of service
- Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession
- Treat others with respect
- Take responsibility
What is meant by ‘act with integrity’?
Being honest and trustworthy in all that I do
Transparent, respecting confidential information, not taking advantage of anyone, not allowing bias or pressures affect my judgement or obligations, not accepting gifts or hospitality that might suggest an improper obligation, acting in the interest of the public
What is meant by ‘provide a high level of service’?
Ensuring the best possible advice, support or performance is given to my clients
Be clear about the service being provided, act within my scope of competence, transparent about fees and any other costs or payments, communicate with clients in a way that allows them to make informed decisions
What is meant by ‘promote trust within the profession’?
Act in a manner, both in professional and private life, that promotes me and my firm in a positive way
Promote the highest standards globally, amending behaviour to suit others, fulfil obligations
What is meant by ‘treat others with respect’?
Be courteous, polite and consider cultural sensitivities and business practices
Never discriminate, encourage the fair and respectful treatment of clients
What is meant by ‘take responsibility’?
Be accountable for my actions and don’t blame others if things go wrong
Always act with skill, care and diligence, respond to complaints in the appropriate professional manner, prepare to question things that don’t seem right
Give some examples of how you reflect the RICS ethical standards in your work.
- Integrity - turning down an invitation from a contractor whilst settling the final account
- High standard of service - referring clients to specialists when scope is outside competence
- Trust - rejecting the early certification of work
- Respect - working with people from different backgrounds equally
- Responsibility - questioning unsafe working on site
What is the RICS Decision Tree?
Flowchart to help members decide how to act in difficult situations where their professional ethics may be at stake
What factors does the RICS Decision Tree consider?
- Sufficient facts
- Legality
- Ethical standards
- Consultation of appropriate people
- Clear reasoning
- Impact if actions made public
What is a conflict of interest?
Anything that impedes or might be perceived to impede an individual’s or firm’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of a client
Give some examples of where conflicts of interest may arise.
- Acting for two different parties with competing interests at the same time
- Financial interests (e.g. gaining over and above your normal fee)
- Personal relationship
- Commercial relationship
- Interests of your firm conflict with that of your client
What should a surveyor do if a conflict of interest arises?
- Should be dealt with by implementing openness and transparency
- Declare any conflicts of interest clearly to all parties ASAP and offer to stand down from acting for any party
- All parties can then decide how they wish to proceed and if there are any objections you must stand down
Describe a conflict of interest you have experienced and how it was resolved.
Refused to accept certain gifts/hospitality from a contractor whilst settling the final account due to timing and how this may be seen as affecting impartiality
Resolved by referring to the RICS Professional and Ethical Standards Decision Tree to aid my decision to refuse
What is a ‘Chinese Wall’?
An information barrier within an organisation used in order to prevent exchanges or communication that could lead to a conflict of interest
Can one part of a chartered surveying practice work for a client, whilst another part of the practice is working for a different client who has conflicting interests to the first?
Yes, providing a Chinese wall is effectively implemented
Teams should be physically separated in different parts of the building (or in different buildings)
Requires a compliance officer to monitor the ‘wall’ - education and training must be made available to those managing the wall
You’re acting on behalf of a client in a dilapidation’s claim and realise you know the other party personally - what should you do?
Declare any conflicts of interest clearly to all parties ASAP and offer to stand down from acting for any party
All parties can then decide how they wish to proceed and if there are any objections you must stand down
Your neighbour asks you for help in designing a loft conversion - what would you do?
- No terms and conditions
- No PII
- Potential conflict of interest
- Follow the RICS Decision Tree
- Say no and offer to set up a formal meeting with a director of my firm
- Alternatively, refer them to the RICS ‘Find a Surveyor’ service
What is a bribe?
- The exchange of something of value in return for someone doing or agreeing to do something improper in a business context
- Bribery also covers the offer or request for a bribe, even if it is not completed
What legislation exists in relation to bribery in the UK?
Bribery Act 2010
What is the purpose of the current UK legislation on bribery?
Criminalises bribery in the UK, making it a criminal offence to directly or indirectly:
• Offer, promise or give a bribe
• Request, agree to receive or accept a bribe
What legislation has the current bribery legislation repealed?
- Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889
- Prevention of Corruption Act 1906
- Prevention of Corruption Act 1916
What are the penalties under the current bribery legislation?
A maximum 10 years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine
Who does the current bribery legislation affect?
Near-universal jurisdiction, allowing for prosecution of UK individuals or companies doing business overseas, as well as overseas individuals or companies doing business in the UK
What standard are judgements under the current bribery legislation based upon?
Judgments are decided based on the ‘reasonable person’ test
What are facilitation payments and what is their legal status?
- Also known as ‘grease’ or ‘speed’ payments
- Unofficial payments made to public officials in order to secure or expedite the performance of a routine government action
- Illegal under the Bribery Act 2010
How can bribes affect surveyors?
Can be vulnerable to bribes because of the role they play in facilitating transactions, checking owners/contractors are complying with legislation and awarding construction contracts
Would the offer or acceptance of gifts or hospitality amount to a bribe?
- Could amount to a bribe if they are intended to induce someone to behave in a manner that breaches an expectation that they will act in good faith and impartially
- However, bona fide hospitality and promotion intended to improve the image of an organisation, better present products and services or establish cordial relations is seen as an established and important part of doing business and is not criminalised under the Act
What considerations should RICS members have in relation to offering or accepting gifts and hospitality?
- Only offer or accept gifts and hospitality that are customary, proportionate and reasonable in terms of value and frequency
- Never offer or accept any gift or hospitality if it may improperly influence your decisions/judgement or give the appearance of doing so (e.g. consider the timing of the gift)
- Only offer or accept gifts and hospitality that you would be happy for others to know about
- Follow the policies and procedures of your employer in relation to gifts, hospitality and promotional expenditure - e.g. record in company’s gifts and hospitality register
- Report any concerns about bribery to your employer or to RICS Regulation
What procedures should RICS corporate members follow in relation to preventing bribery?
RICS corporate members should follow the 6 principles in preventing bribery practices:
- Proportionate procedures - procedures should be proportionate to the bribery risks the company faces
- Top level commitment - zero tolerance to bribery
- Risk assessment - the company should periodically assess the internal and external risks of bribery
- Due diligence - systematically investigate employees and business partners (the level of which should be informed by the risk assessment)
- Communication (including training) - communicate policies, operate confidential whistle-blowing service, provide training
- Monitor and review - periodically review procedures and make improvements where necessary
What would you do if a contractor offers you a gift such as a scale rule with the contractor’s name on it?
Accept it, as it is a bona fide promotion intended to improve the image of an organisation
If a contractor wants to buy you lunch on the day of an interim valuation, how would you respond?
Reject the offer, as it may improperly influence your decisions/judgement or give the appearance of doing so
A contractor gives you a bottle of champagne at Christmas. Would you accept it?
- Maybe, however only offer or accept gifts and hospitality that you would be happy for others to know about
- Question whether the gift is proportionate and reasonable in terms of value and frequency
- Reject if it may improperly influence your decisions/judgement or give the appearance of doing so
A contractor invites you to their Christmas dinner dance - would you go?
- Maybe, however only offer or accept gifts and hospitality that you would be happy for others to know about
- Question whether the gift is proportionate and reasonable in terms of value and frequency
- Reject if it may improperly influence your decisions/judgement or give the appearance of doing so
If you saw a colleague at the races with a contractor in the VIP area, what would you do?
- Remind them of the RICS’ rules and procedures on accepting gifts/hospitality
- Report any concerns about bribery to your employer or to RICS Regulation
If you saw one of your team send out an interim valuation that over values the works, what do you do?
- Talk to them initially and point out the error
- Suggest the error is corrected before issuing
- Escalate to a director if the error was purposeful
- Consider reporting through firm’s whistleblowing procedure if necessary
You have put in a fee bid to a client. They contact you and say that another practice has quoted a lower fee, but they would like you to do the work. They ask you to reduce your fee to match the other practice. What should you do?
- Avoid price fixing, aggressive fee cutting or collusion with competitors
- Original fee quote should have been a reasonable reflection of the works required
- Reducing costs may mean corners are cut and quality is reduced in order to make a profit
- Client may be expecting the same next time as well and this will not be sustainable
If you were self-employed, would you consider adjusting your PII to carry out a piece of work or decline to do the work?
- Commercial decision based on the opportunity and risk
2. Never proceed without the sufficient level of PII
Would you go against the recommendations of a chartered surveyor?
Yes providing there is reason for it (e.g. not acting within the RICS rules of conduct or ethical standards)
What would you do if a client says they are not paying for your service?
- Talk to client to understand why
- Try and find a resolution
- Refer back to the contract terms
- Pursue dispute resolution procedures if necessary
Can chartered surveying practices work for a client, but not charge a fee?
- Commercial decision based on the opportunity and risk (i.e. may be charitable work)
- Need to question quality of work and incentive if no fee is in place
- Legal advice required regarding the formation of a contract (i.e. no consideration)