Ethics Flashcards
Define ethics
moral principles and a way of distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
how are ethics and legal principles related?
closely related an intertwined by are not exactly the same. They both focus on right and wrong and creating rules, but one can take primacy over the other. Just because it is legal, doesn’t mean that it is ethical
What were ethics in the past based on?
What reduced the power of religion?
After the Enlightenment, which saw the rise in science and scientific methodology
What began the modern ethics debate?
1989 - Albert Neisser. Investigated syphilis using prostitutes as samples although they didn’t know what he was doing
WWII - Nazi experiments on prisoners who did not provide consent
What are the aims of ethics within research?
To promote the aims of the research
Promote collaboration - work together and share findings
Ensure accountability
Ensure public support
Prevents harm during research by ensuring adherence to the legal system
Examples of unethical research
Tuskegee Experiment
Willowbrook Study
Hwang Woo-Suk
Tuskegee Experiment (1932 - 1972)
Purpose was to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis; the African-American men in the study were told they were receiving free health care. The were not told they had the disease and were simply told they would be treated for “bad blood”.
The men were told the study would only last for six months but it last for 40 years.
Funding for treatment was lost yet the study continued without informing the men that they would never be treated. None of the men were told that they had the disease, and none were treated with penicillin even after the antibiotic was proven to successfully treat syphilis.
People now have to give informed consent
Willobrook study (1956 - 1972)
Children with learning difficulties were intentionally given hepatitis in an attempt to track the infection. This lead to protecting those with learning difficulties.
Hwang Woo-Suk (South Korea 2003)
Claimed he has cloned embryonic stem cells of humans although his findings were fraudulent.
Ethical violations by using eggs from students and the black market
What has all unethical research led to?
establishing overarching ethical codes e.g declaration Helsinki (1960s)
Declaration of Helsinki (1960s)
set of ethical principles to ensure a certain level of ethical considerations when doing research
Professional Ethics and Civil Morals (1957) (Book)
In 1957 Durkheim argued that a profession is
constituted partly through the development of an ethical tradition
What is our identity as professionals dictated by?
Ethical debates that have occurred before
Expert witnesses and ethics
Experts are specialists in various scientific fields who often have membership to a professional group who in turn have codes of ethics. However, should there be ethical codes covering ‘forensic’ work in order for research to be admissible in court