Ethics Flashcards
4 characteristics of a profesion
- distinct body of knowledge and skill
- contributes to social benefit
- members accorded autonomy
- members have special obligations
use in the process of ethical decision making template to broaden the scope of ethical “content” to include other actions or traits of character that promote the good, are good or are otherwise meant to describe actions that are right
the 4 principles described under pinciplism
- respect for autonomy
- beneficence
- non-maleficence
- justice
what does veracity mean
telling the truth
what does fidelity mean
keeping promises
what is respect for life
life having intrinsic value
what is respect for persons?
respecting people’s decision, privacy, identity, and physical boundaries
not disclosing patient ifno
being true to core values in the face of conflict or other trials
the welfare of individuals is often bound up with the welfare of their families
family relationships
feeling for the suffering of others
friendliness, generosity, being considerate
valuing the knowledge, skill, and relationships that other healthcare professionals have with patients
health care relationships
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, of a person or thing; confidence or confident expectation of something; hope
profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend
______________ serve as frameworks or perspectives that individual moral agents can bring to bear on the situations confronting them
ethical theories
____________ characterized by an emphasis on the moral character of the person because it is presumed that morally appropriate decisions occur as a result of being decided by morally sensitive and skilled people
virtue ethics
___________ is a habit of behaving in a good way. Accordingly, virtue theorists focus principally on the education and development of the agent making the decision.
A virtue
Virtue theorists focus on?
the education and development of the agent making the decision
common virtues? (6)
Openness Honesty Fairness Integrity Compassion Kindness