Ethics Flashcards
When do we remain accountable to the aamft code?
Always; even if we work for another organization if law is less harsh
What are the core values?
1) acceptance, appreciation, and inclusion of a diverse membership
2) distinctiveness/excellence in training of mfts and others
3) responsiveness/excellence in is service to members
4) diversity,equity, and excellence in clinical practice, research, ed, administration
5) integrity by a high threshold of ethical and honest behavior within association governance
6) innovation and advanced of knowledge is systemic/relational therapies
1.1 no discrimination
Provide professional assistance to anyone..regardless of age race, ethnicity, ses, disability, health, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity…etc…
1.2 informed consent
Have an informed consent with reasonable language. Of persons are legally of incapable of giving consent then get a legally authorized person.
1.3 multiple relationships
Don’t do it. Be aware of your influential position. Include (bnlt) business (clients or immediate family)
1.4 sexual intimacy
1.5 sexual intimacy with former clients
No…or even family members
1.6 reports of unethical conduct
We comply with applicable laws
1.7 anise of the therapeutic relationship
We do not abuse it to further our own interests
1.8 client autonomy in decision making
We respect the rights of clients to make decisions and to understand their decisions. WE DO MOT MAKE DECISIONS FOR THEM!
1.9 relationships beneficial to the client
Mfts continue therapeutic relationships as long as they are beneficial
1.10 referrals
We assist persons in obtaining other services if we can’t help. The method of referral must safeguard the welfare of the client
1.11 non-abandonment
We don’t abandon or neglect cls without making reasonable arrangements for the continuation of treatment
1.12 written consent to record
We obtain written informed consent from clients before recording any images or audio to permitting third party observations
1.13 relationships with 3rd parties
We, upon agreeing to provide services to a person or entity at the request of a 3rd party, clarify, go the extent feasible and at the outset of services, the nature of the relationship with each party and the limits of confidentiality
2.1 disclosing limits of confidentiality
We disclose to clients and other interested parties-at the outset of services- the nature of confidentiality and possibly limitations if clients rights to confidentiity. Therapists review the circumstances where info may be requested and where the disclosure may be legally required
2.2 written authorization to release client info
We do not disclose clients confidences except my written authorization on each individual competent to execute a waiver. Within a family the therapist may not reveal individuals confidences to others without prior written permission of that individual
2.3 client access to record
We provide clients with reasonable records. We limit their access only in exceptional cases (possible harm). Their request and the rational for withholding some or all of the records should be documented in the clients file. We progect confidentiality of others identified in client records
2.4 confidentiality in non-clinical activities
We use client and/clinical materials in teaching, writing,…. Only if a written waiver has been obtained in accordance with 2.2
2.5 protection of records
We store, safeguard, and dispose of client records
2.6 preparation for practice changes
We arrange for the storage, transfer, or disposal of cl records
2.7 confidentiity in consultations
Don’t share confidential information. Info should be shared only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the consultation
3.1 maintenance of competency
Pursue knowledge
3.2 knowledge of regulatory standards
Know laws, ethics, and professional standards
3.3 seek assistance
Know when to ask for help
3.4 conflict of interest
Do not provide services that create a conflict of interest
3.5 maintenance of records
Maintain records in accordance with law (financial and clinical)
3.6 development of new skills
3.7 harassment
Don’t engage in any time of harassment to anyone
3.8 exploitation
Don’t exploit
3.9 gifts
Attend to cultural norms
3.10 Scope of competence
Stay within your own scope
3.11 public statements
Take special care
3.12 professional misconduct
Convicted of felony or misdemeanor or etc,.oractice while suspended or not competent, fail to cooperate with aamft
4.2 therapy with students or supervises
Just say no
4.3 sexual intimacy with students or supervises
4.4/4.5 oversight of students or supervises competence and professionalism
Ensure this happens
4.6 existing relationship with supervises
Avoid multiple relationships
4.7 confidentiality with supervises
Verbal authorization will be sufficient except in situations prohibited by law
4.8 payments for supervises
Fair financial agreement
5.1 institutional approval in research
Obtain the institutions permission
5.2 informed consent to research
Same as with clients
5.4 rights to decline or withdraw participation
Someone performing in research can quit
5.6 confidentiality of research data
Information about a participant is confidential
5.6 publication
Don’t fabricate, disclose potential conflicts of internship
5.7 authorship of student work
Co-authorship should be determined in accordance with principles of fairness and justice
5.8 plagiarism
Give credit where credit is due
5.9 accuracy in publication
Make sure published material is accurate and factual
6.1 technology assured services
Be company with relevant laws, also: determine that technology assured services or supervision is appropriate, inform potential risks, only use after appropriate training
6.2 consent to treat or supervise
Clients and supervises must be made aware of the risks and responsibilities
6.3 confidentiality and professional responsibilities (technology)
Therapist’s or supervisor’s responsibility to choose technological platforms that meets high levels of confidentiality
6.4 technology and documentation
Therapists and supervisors ensure tech, data and documentation stoage meets applicable laws and standards
6.5 location of services and practice
Follow all applicable laws regarding location. And do not use technology assured means to practice outside of their allowed jurisdiction
6.6 training and use of current technology
Stay current and trained
7.1 performance of forensic services
We may perform services, formal and informal, keeping with laws and competences
7.2 testimony in legal proceedings
Avoid misleading judgments, base conclusions, and opinions. Avoid inaccuracies
7.3 competence (legal system)
Demonstrate competence in providing testimonies within legal systems
Avoiding conflict (legal system)
Make clear distinctions between therapies and evaluations. Avoid conflict in legal proceedings. Clarify the roles and the extent of confidentiality when legal systems are involved
7.7 avoiding dual roles (legal system)
Avoid providing therapy to those who are the subjects of evaluations and avoid procuring evaluations who are clients unless mandated by legal systems
7.7 separation of custody evaluation from therapy
Avoid conflicts of interest in treating minors or adults involved in custody or visitation actions by not performing evaluations.
7.8 professional opinions
Avoid offering professional opinions about persons they have not directly interviewed
7.9 changes in service
Clients are informed if changes in the role of provision of services of mft occurs or are mandated by legal system
7.10 familiarity with rules (forensic and legal system)
If you provide forensic evaluations, be familiar with judicial or administrative rules
8.1 financial integrity
Do not offer or accept kickbacks, rebates, bonuses, etc…
8.2 Disclosure of financial policies
Prior to entering into relationships disclose and explain to clients all arrangements. Including charges use if collection agencies, obtaining payment. Etc..
8.3 notice if payment recovery procedures
Give reasonable notice to clients with unpaid balances of their intent to seek collection by agency. Do not dislocate clinical information
8.4 truthful representation of services
Represent facts truthful to clients, third party payors, and supervisees
8.5 bartering
Generally refrain. Only if clients or supervises ask, it is not exploitative, and the relationship isn’t distorted. A clear written contract is established
8.6 withholding records for non-payments
Mfts may not withhold records under immediate control because payment had not been received, except as otherwise provided by law
9.1 accurate professional representation
Accurately represent competences, education, training, and experience
9.2 promotional materials
We ensure that advertisements and publications in any media is true
9.3 professional affiliations
Don’t hold yourself out as being partners(or associations of a firm) if you aren’t
9.4 professional affiliation
don’t use any professional identification if it includes a statement that is false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive
9.5 educational credentials
Claim degrees for clinical services only if those degrees demonstrate training and education in mft
9.6 employee it supervises qualification
Make certain the qualification of their employees and supervisees are represented in a manner that is true, accurate( and in accordance with applicable laws
9.7 specialization
Represent yourself as providing specialized services only after taking steps to ensure competence of work
9.8 correction of misinformation
Correct false, misleading, or in accurate info or representations made by others concerning the theraptist’s qualifications, services, or products