Ethics 2 Flashcards
What is central to Aristoles political philosophy?
- Justice is teleological, defining rights requires us to figure out the telos (purpose) of the social practise in question.
- Justice is honorific. To reason about the purpose of a practice - or to argue about it - is at least in part to reason or argue about what virutes it should honour and reward.
What are debates about justice according to Aristotle?
Unavoidably debates about honour, virtue, and the nature of the good life.
What are the two factors of justice (according to Aristotle) - on how things need to be distributed?
- Things and the persons to whom things are assigned.
2. Persons who are equal should have assigned to them equal things.
How does justice discriminate (according to Aristotle)?
According to merit, relevant excellence (and in the case of a flute the ability to play well). Any other basis whould be unfair.
How does Aristotle go beyond utilitarianism?
The purpose of a good to the proper allocation of the good is an instance of teleological reasoning. According to him to determine the just distribution of a good, we have to inquire into the telos or purpose of the good being distributed.
What does Aristotle think about social institutions?
Their essential nature is not fixed once and for all, but neither is it simply a matter of opinion.
What is the purpose of politics according to Aristotle?
Not to set up a framework of rights that is neutral among ends, but to form good citizens and to cultivate good character.
What does Aristotle think about oligarchs and democrats?
They both claim they should rule, however he believe they exaggerate their claims, because both misconstrue the purpose of political community. They both overlook to cultivate the virtue of citizens.
Why does Aristotle believe that a polis is not just an association for residents on a common site?
According to him the end and purpose of a polis is the good life, and the institutions of social life are means to an end.
Why does Aristotle believe we are made for political association?
He believes that we are made for political association, since we only use language which is used to declare what is just and unjust, and right and wrong.
Why does Aristotle believe that the primary purpose of the law is to cultivate habits that lead to good character?
He believes moral virtue is something we learn by doing, by creating law that forces us to create good habits in the first place we learn moral virtue.
What is Moral eduction?
learning do disern the particular features of situations that call for the rule rather than that one. Matters concered with conduct and questions of what is good for us have no fixity, any more than matters of health.
What is practical wisdom accoriding to Aristotle?
A reasond and true state of capacity to act with regard to the human good. It is a moral virtue with political imlications. People with practial widom can delibarate weel about wwhat is good, not only for themselves but for their fellow citizens.
Why is politics is essential to the good life according to Aristotle?
- They inculcate good habits, form good character and set us on the way to civic virtue.
- The life of the citizen enables us to exercise cpacities for debilarations and practical wisdom
When are Aristotles conditions for slavery to be just?
- It must be necessary
2. It must be natural (i.e. for certain people)