Ethics 02 - Moral Agent Flashcards
It is all around us and it appears to be an actual part of our social life as well as our personality
T or F. The quality of some people have more on others in terms of culture depends on some factors like status, class, education, taste in music or film, and speech habits
T or F. Culture is used to denote that which is arts and humanities are unrelated.
F (related)
in a broader sense, it denotes the practices, beliefs, and perceptions of a given society
Some of its symbols include a group’s skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. the meanings of the symbols are learned and deliberately perpetuated in a society through its institutions
symbolic communication
What do you call when culture includes all the things individuals learn while growing up among particular group: attitudes, standards of morality, rules of etiquette, perceptions of reality, language, notions about the proper way to live, beliefs about how females and males should interact, ideas how the world works and so forth.
Cultural knowledge bading
Is the process by which individuals acquire
knowledge from others in the groups to which they belong, as a normal part of childhood
Social learning bading
The process by which infants and children
socially learn the culture, including morality, of those around them
Enculturation or socialization bading
These views are upshot of the fact that we can learn morality culturally or through socialization
‘Social convention’ and ‘social conditioning’ theories
some purport, are nothing but just social
Moral laws
those things agreed upon
by people like through their authorities
usual or customary ways through which things are done within a
T or F. Just because somethings is learned at homes and schools does not necessarily mean that it is a social convention
it is called as the change in people’s morality
moral progress
It means positive development or development toward achieving a goal or reaching a higher standard
people who tried to change the moral ideas of their own age for the better; people who understood morality better than others did.
Reformers or Pioneers
T or F. Moral law is synonymous to mere social convention – it’s something which each culture or society just happens to approve.
F. (not synonymous and does not just happen to be approved)
Those who opted to go against the societal norms (if moral views are corrupted because of the culture) are even considered as?
Social reformer and moral model
T or F. Ethical decisions are supposed to be made in relation to something not itself due to social conditioning but due to some sort of moral law that presses down one every person.
It is perhaps the most famous form of moral relativism, a theory in ethics which holds that ethical judgments have their origins either in individual or cultural standards.
Cultural relativism
no act is good or bad objectively, and there is no single objective
Moral relativism
This theory is very much compatible with moral subjectivism.
relativist theory
the most dominant form of moral
relativism; it maintains that an act is ethical in a culture that approves of it, but
immoral in one that disapproves of it
Cultural relativism
T or F. Cultural relativists place the notion of right in the folkways and consider the tradition as morality’s warrant