Ethical, Legal, Cultural, Environmental impacts Flashcards
Ethical Issues
Privacy: Users trust companies to keep their data
private so companies need to take care of it. What
type of data is being held?
Censorship: is when a country or organisation
controls what people can access on the internet.
Surveillance: surveillance is when someone is watching over you.
Legal issues
Data protection Act 2018
Freedom of Information Act
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Copyright, Design and Patents Act
Cultural issues
Digital divide - some dont have access to technology.
Technology has impacted how businesses run.
Environmental issues
E-waste is when you throw away devices when you want to upgrade.
Privacy issues
Users trust companies to keep their information secure
The Data protection Act 2018
controls how personal data
is used. Eg: it has to be accurate and up to date,
kept secure, should not be kept longer than needed
Coputer Misuse Act 1990
makes it illegal to hack a
network or create a virus.
Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988(CDPA)
protects things
you have created from being used without permission