Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Flashcards
Discussing what is morally right or wrong.
Discussing what is right or wrong in the eyes of law.
Discussing how different religions and ethnic groups are affected by technology.
A person who is affected by a business activity.
This is the restriction of content.
What are two cultural issues?
- Digital Divide
- The changing nature of employment
Digital Divide
The digital divide is the division that exists between those people who can use technology and are comfortable doing so, and those who are not.
The changing nature of employment
On the one hand, firstly, having mobile devices allow employees the freedom to work from anywhere and thus can help them to compete more efficiently by being available at all times. Secondly, adding onto to the first point it leads to the fact that the cost of communicating with people abroad is outweighed by the savings made.
On the other hand, firstly, having work in your pocket can result in intrusion in family time, resulting in poorer relationship. Secondly, the use of technology have led to the fall in manual, low-skilled work; whereas, high-skilled work is more available.
What are two environmental issues?
- Many computers such as web servers, data centres need to left continuously. This requires a lot of energy to maintain.
- Many computer components are either hard to recycle or contain toxic materials such as lead. In addition, users discard ICT equipment quite quickly, this is because firstly, people have new smartphone every couple of years; secondly, many organisations after 3/4 years and finally, many people replace older technology before it fails simply because they percieve it to be old out of date.
What are the 4 legal issues?
- Allowing someone to legally share personal data.
- Helping to steal financial information
- Helping to illegally copy and distribute content.
- Extorting infomation or blackmailing someone
What are the five different types of laws that have been implemented/ introduced in the UK:
- The Data Protection Act 1998/2018
- The Computer Misuse Act 1990
- The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998
- Creative Commons Licensing
- Freedom of information Act 2000
What is the Data Protection Act?
In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation which is a law passed that tightens data privacy. This legislation replaced the Data Protection Act 1998.
What are the regulations in Data Protection Act?
- Personal data must be fairly and lawfullly processed
- Personal data must be obtained for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes only.
- Personal data must be accurate and up to date
- Personal data must not be kept longer than necessary
- It must be handled in a way that ensures security.
What is the Computer Misuse Act 1990?
This is the act that defines and criminalises a number of offences involving the use of a computer.
What are the regulations in the Computer Misuse Act 1990?
- It is illegal to access stored data unless you have permission.
- It is illegal to access data with ill-intent; this is also called hacking.
A set of rights that prevents people from copying and distributing a piece of work without the copyright holder’s permission.
A legal document between the company that published the software and the end user covering the different laws.
What is the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988?
This is the act that gives the creator of the published material, the control over the way the material is used.
What are the regulations in the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988?
- It is illegal to make copies of material without permission.
- …publish it and/or sell it without permission.
- …distribute it to other people
- …share with other people
However, in some situations it is legal in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988:
- When you are the copyright holder.
- When you have the copyright holder’s permission
- When the copyright holder has chosen to give away their copyright.
What is Creative Commons (CC) Licensing?
It is one of several copyright licenses that allow the free sharing and distribution of a product.
What are the 4 CC licences?
- Attribution
- Non-commercial
- No-derivative works
- Share-alike
The work can be copied, modified, distributed, displayed but the copyright owner must be given credit.
The work can be copied, modified, distributed, and displayed but no profit can be made from it.
No Derivative Works
This work can be copied, distributed and displayed but cannot be modified.
Share Alike
The work can be modified, and distributed but must be covered by an identical license.
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
This is the act that was introduced to give the public the right to access any information recorded by public sector organisations.
What are the regulations in the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
- Requests must be in writing, either by letter or by email. The organisation then has 20 working days to provide the information.
However, they are not required to give the information as compulsory for the following scenarios in the freedom of information act 2000; if…
- The information collected is regarded as sensitive - Data Protection Act overrules in this instance.
- The information will be too costly or time-consuming to produce.
Open Source Software
The source code is freely and legally available for anyone to view, modify and distribute.
Proprietary Software
The source code is not available for anyone to view, modify and distribute.