Ethical Costs of Conducting Research Flashcards
Watson & Raynor (1920)
Longitudinal research using 1 male infant. Research concluded that phobias can be learnt using the principles of classical conditioning, thus they can be unlearned in the same way.
Bowlby (1944)
Longitudinal research using 88 male and female child participants, selected from a child guidance clinic. Research concluded that early maternal deprivation was correlated with later criminal behaviour and affectionless psychopathy
Milgram (1963)
Selected 40 male adult participants from New Haven who were required to complete a task on obedience, which involved delivering electric shocks. Research concluded that people are willing to commit acts against their conscience when instructed to do so by an authority figure. Situational factors are key
Baumrind (1975)
argues that all a cost benefit analysis does is legitimise the use of unethical methods