Estate Flashcards
100% of ownership is referred to as ________?
Fee simple.
What does an ascertainable standard mean?
It implies that a trustee can make distributions to beneficiaries based on needs related to health, education, maintenance, and support (HEMS).
How is basis calculated on non-marital property titled JTWROS?
Basis is pro-rata.
How much can a Totten Trust lower a gross estate?
Totten Trusts do not lower gross estates. They do help avoid probate.
What can a spouse demand from a trustee regarding a QTIP?
They can demand that non-income producing assets be sold and income producing assets be purchased with the proceeds.
If a 529 Plan lives inside an UTMA/UGMA. Who owns the account?
- *Th**e parents(s).
- *Whi**le an UGMA/UTMA typically belongs to the child/minor, the 529 Plan remains an asset of the parent.
If a trust directed a trustee to pay estate taxes, what are the implications?
Trust assets are included in the gross estate.
Who pays the tax obligation on an intentionally defective trust?
The grantor.
What will allow a child with special needs to receive governmental assistance?
A special needs trust.
Is a bypass trust considered to be a marital trust?
- *No**.
- *Byp**ass trusts can have beneficiaries that are not the surviving spouse.
A credit shelter trust is also known as a ________?
Bypass trust.
What trusts are considered to be marital trusts?
- *AC**E.
- *A** Trusts: General Power of Appointment Trusts.
- *C** Trusts: Qualified Terminable Interest Trusts.
- *(E)s**tate Trusts.
________ require an invasion of corpus is income is insufficient to meet annual payments.
- *CRA**Ts require invasion of corpus.
- *CRU**Ts permit invasion.
What is a completed gift that still allows a grantor to retain control?
A 529.
Can a vacation home be included in a QPRT?
- *Ye**s.
- *Reme**mber that only one home can be included in a QPRT but each individuals can have up to 2 QPRTs.
What are two responsibilities of the personal representative of an estate?
- *Inven**tory the estate.
- *Prob**ate the will.
What is the gift value of a GRAT?
The fair market value of the property minus the retained interest of the grantor.
Who pays the income tax obligation in a 2503(c) trust?
The trust.
What types of trusts are exceptions to the terminal interest rule?
- *Gene**ral Power of Appointment Trusts (GPOA).
- *Quali**fied Terminable Interest Trust (QTIP).
- *Chari**table trusts.
Who is responsible for conducting inventory of an estate?
The personal representative.
What is a requirement within a QPRT to realize estate tax savings?
The grantor must survive the trust term.
What is an advantage of a cross purchase plans compared to a entity purchase agreements?
There is a step up in basis within a cross purchase plan.
What percentage of income needs to be distributed annually from a CRAT/CRUT?
5-50% annually.
Does a QPRT lower a gross estate?
How do you calculate the new basis when gift tax is being paid?
- *Th**e total gain is divided by the FMV of the gift and multiplied against the gift tax paid. This amount is added to the grantors basis.
- *Exam**ple. Rob gifts 500 shares to Jon (not related). The FMV at the time of the gift is $10,000 and Rob pays $1,000 in gift taxes. Rob’s basis in the shares is $2,000. What is Jon’s new basis?
- *$8,000/**$10,000 =.8 | .8 * 1,000 = $800 | $800 + $2,000 = $2,800.
Who pays the tax in a grantor trust?
The grantor.
CRATs and CRUTs are ________ in the decedent’s gross estate.
- *Inclu**ded.
- *Whi**le included, the amount is deducted from the gross estate.
How is the basis of an asset determined in a gift?
Typically, the donor’s basis is carried over to the recipient.
What type of trust cannot distribute trust corpus?
Simple trusts.
The extension of time for payment of estate tax is completed by electing Section ________.
Section 6166.
What are the deductions from gross estate?
- *ABC**DE.
- *Administ**rative.
- *Buri**al.
- *Casu**alty losses.
- *Deb**ts.
- *Expen**ses, medical.
Who is responsible for probating a will?
The personal representative.
Who makes the alternative valuation date election?
- *Th**e executor of the estate.
- *Nee**ds to be elected within 6 months of death.
Can a living will help with incapacitation?
What’s the difference between heir and legatee?
- *Hei**rs inherit under state law.
- *Lega**tees inherit based on the provisions of a will.
Estate tax portability is not ________?
- *Autom**atic.
- *Nee**ds to be elected by the executor.
Fee simple is not presumed in what states?
Community property states.
A bypass trust is also known as a ________.
Credit shelter trust.
What is one of the primary differences between a SCIN and a private annuity?
A SCIN (self-cancelling installment note) is for a fixed period of time while a private annuity indicates payments for life.
Does power of appointment survive death?
A revocable standby trust will ________.
Take effect at incapacitation.
An ILIT (irrevocable life insurance trust) must adopt a ________.
Calendar year.
Does ownership constitute control in a FLP (family limited partnership)?
- *No**.
- *On**ly general partners have control of the FLP.
Which form of ownership will receive a full step up in basis when one of the owners passes.
Community property.