Establishment Clause Flashcards
Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Direct funding for teacher’s salaries and instructional materials is invalid due to excessive entanglement. Lemon Test: 1) Secular Legislative Purpose, 2) Primary Effect Neither Advances Nor Inhibits Religion, 3) No Excessive Entanglement.
Everson v. Board of Education (1947)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, School board reimbursed parents for cost of busing kids to school regardless of public or private. No Establishment Clause violation because general government service for all students and refusing religious students could interfere with free exercise. Smith in reverse.
Illinois ex rel. McCollum v. Board of Education (1948)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Government cannot allow religious groups to teach religion as part of the school day at a public school. Compulsory public school scheme was invaluable aid to religious groups. Illegally used power of state to support religion.
Zorach v. Clauson (1952)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Upheld policy allowing release of students for off-campus religious classes. Not required to attend, no religion in public classrooms, and no use of public funds.
Mueller v. Allen (1983)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Lemon Test, Upheld tax deductions for school expenses included religious students. No direct support from state to schools and tax law was generally applicable.
Agostini v. Felton (1997)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Secular education by public school employees on private school premises upheld because goal to help disadvantaged on a neutral basis.
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, Lemon Test, Upheld Voucher Scheme, Program allowed true private choice even though most choices were religious schools. Program was neutral with respect to religion and helped broad class of citizens. Breyer Dissent: Antidiscrimination requirement necessitates excessive entanglement.
Locke v. Davey (2004)
Establishment Clause, School Aid/Accommodation, Ceiling and Floor, Upheld ban on use of public scholarships for theology degrees. State action can be permissible under the Establishment Clause but not required by the Free Exercise Clause (gray area). Interest in not funding devotional degrees is substantial with no evidence of religious animous and burden on students is minor.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer (2017)
Establishment Clause, School Aid, State grants for playgrounds cannot be denied to church because of what it is (unlike Locke v. Davey where denial was for how the funds were used). Agency’s policy was expressly discriminatory against religious groups and imposed a penalty on free exercise.
Engel v. Vitale (1962)
Establishment Clause, Endorsement, School prayer initiated by school officials is unconstitutional and is indirect coercion on religious minorities (even with option to remain silent).
Wallace v. Jaffree (1985)
Establishment Clause, Endorsement, Lemon Test, Struck down law allowing schools to provide one minute for meditation or voluntary prayer. Failed first prong of Lemon Test because motivated by a purpose to advance religion.
Lee v. Weisman (1992)
Establishment Clause, Endorsement, Prayer at graduation ceremony was coercive and unconstitutional. Concern for children’s freedom of conscience from subtle, indirect coercion (peer pressure). O’Connor Concurrence: Coercion is sufficient but not necessary because any endorsement/sponsorship/active involvement in religion violates Establishment Clause. Scalia Dissent: Establishment Clause should be construed in light of history of policies of accommodation, acknowledgement, and support for religion.
Marsh v. Chambers (1983)
Establishment Clause, Endorsement, Upheld legislative prayer because of history and tradition. Did not apply Lemon Test.
Town of Greece v. Galloway (2014)
Establishment Clause, Endorsement, Upheld volunteer-led prayer at town meetings under historical practice rationale and as acknowledgment of religion in society not bias against religious minorities. Distinct from Lee v. Weisman because adult freedom of conscience less vulnerable than children.
Lynch v. Donnelly (1984)
Establishment Clause, Symbols, Lemon Test, Endorsement Test, Upheld creche display that included secular elements. Secular purpose to depict historical origins of national holiday, not to advocate religious message. Advancement of religion was indirect or incidental. O’Connor Concurrence: Endorsement Test to determine actual purpose and actual effect of state action.