essr Flashcards
What are two pieces of evidence that support the big bang theory?
red shift of light and cosmic background radiation
Which statement best describes how galaxies generally move?
They usually move away from one another
Compared to other groups of stars, this group has relatively low lumonosities and low surface temprature
red dwarfs
which two stars can have similar brightness?
blue supergiants and supergiants
Which planet is 10x farther from the sun than earth
The closer two foci are together the more circular the eccentricity will be
Earths orbital velocity is the slowest on January 5th
Because the earth is the furthest away from the sun on that day.
Solar eclipse
The moon sun and earth all have to be aligned
what object in space admits light because of nuclear fusion
Compared to terristorial planets jovian planets have
Longer orbital revolutions