Essential Mat Workout Flashcards
Cue ab prep
Lie supine, neutral spine & pelvis, knees flexed, feet on mat, legs adducted or abducted hip distance apart, arms long by sides, stabilize scapulae
5 -10 reps
First rep
Inhale: lengthen back of neck
Exhale: contract abs, ribs slide to hips, reach arms forward
Inhale: to stay
Exhale: roll upper body down to mat
Second rep
Inhale: lengthen back of neck
Exhale to flex upper body and reach arms
Inhale maintain abdominal contraction
Exhale extend down to mat and neutral spine
Third rep
Inhale to initiate flexion from top two vertebrae
Exhale scapula stabilized as you flex up
Inhale transversus abdominis flattens stomach, keeps neutral spine
Exhale articulate spine to mat
Fourth rep
Inhale lengthen back of neck
Exhale abs work concentrically to flex up
Inhale avoid flexing to the point where abs “pop”
Exhale abs work eccentrically to lower down to mat
Cue breast stroke prep hands by shoulders
Start: prone, neutral pelvis, arms bent with hands by shoulders, legs adducted or abducted hip distance, parallel, ankles plantar flexed
3-5 reps
First rep
Inhale to prepare
Exhale stabilize scapula, slightly lengthen cervical spine and extend thoracic spine
Inhale to stay
Exhale lengthen down to mat
Second rep
Inhale prepare
Exhale erector spinae contract to extend upper back
Inhale obliques and hip flexors stabilize the neutral pelvis
Exhale erector spinae eccentrically works to lengthen spine down
Third rep
Exhale, stabilize scapula and extend cervical thoracic spine
Inhale, avoid hyperextending cervical vertebrae
Exhale, lengthen spine down, nose just above mat
Fourth rep
Exhale, stabilize and extend
Inhale, continue to use deep pelvic floor muscles to aid the transversus abdominis
Exhale lengthen down
Cue breast stroke prep hands by hips
Start: prone, neutral pelvis, arms long by sides, palms face body, shoulders relaxed forward, legs adducted or abducted hip distance, parallel, ankles plantar flexed
3-5 reps
First rep
Inhale, retract scapula to neutral
Exhale, arms reach to toes while top of head reaches away, slightly extend spine to long, low line
Inhale, continue to lengthen head away from toes
Exhale, lengthen down, shoulders relax toward mat
Second rep
Inhale, rhomboids and traps retract scapulae
Exhale, use erector spinae to extend mid back
Inhale, obliques and hip flexors stabilize the neutral pelvis
Exhale, erector spinae eccentrically lengthens down
Third rep
Inhale to neutral
Exhale, arms reach toward toes, head reaches away
Inhale, avoid hyperextending cervical vertebrae
Exhale, lengthen spine down, shoulders relax
Fourth rep
Inhale to neutral scapulae
Exhale, stabilize neutral & reach
Inhale, continue to reach and to engage transversus abdominis
Exhale lengthen down
Cue Breast stroke prep hands under head
Start: prone, neutral pelvis, arms bent, hands under forehead, scapulae stabilized, legs adducted or abducted hip distance, parallel, ankles plantar flexed
3-5 reps
First rep
Inhale, to prepare
Exhale, reach top of head away from toes, slightly extend spine to long, low line
Inhale, continue to lengthen head away from toes
Exhale, lengthen down to mat, scapulae neutral
Second rep
Inhale, prepare
As you Exhale, use erector spinae to extend mid back, hands touching forehead
Inhale, obliques and hip flexors stabilize the neutral pelvis
Exhale, erector spinae eccentrically lengthens down,
Third rep
Inhale, then
Exhale, head reaches away as spine extends
Inhale, avoid hyperextending cervical vertebrae
Exhale, lengthen spine down,
Fourth rep
Exhale, Are your deep pelvic floor muscles active?
Inhale, continue to reach and to engage transversus abdominis
Exhale lengthen down
Cue shell stretch
Start: seated with knees flexed, seat on heals, legs slightly abducted, spine flexed forward over legs, relax arms in front ORA beside torso on mat
1 rep
Inhale keep abdominals engaged, expand back of rib cage, head & shoulders relaxed
Exhale, allow spinal extensor to relax
Then, use abdominals to draw to vertebrae back to vertical, restacking the spine.
Cue the Hundred
Start: supine, arms by sides, palms down, legs parallel and adducted,
exhale imprint, inhale flex one hip and knee to table top, exhale, bring the other leg to table top. Toes gently pointed
Stabilize scapulae
Inhale to stay
Exhale, lengthen back of neck, flex up and reach arms
In-hale, pulse your arms
Ex-hale, 3, 4, 5
In thru nose, 4, 5
Out thru lips makes 2
Abs stab-lize pel-vis
Ex-hale 3, 4, 5
Breath to sides of ribs
1, 2, 3, 4, 4
A-D-ductors help
Keep the legs in place
In 2, 3, 4, 5,
Out, 2, 3, 4, 6
In-hale, pump your arms
El-bows slight-ly flexed
Nose 2, 3, 4, 5,
Lips 2, 3, 4, 8
Keep your abs en-gaged
Hold im-print makes 9
In-hale 3, 4, 5
Ex-hale 3, 4 , stop
Inhale, bend knees to table top
Exhale, lower upper body to mat
Inhale, lower one leg to mat
Exhale, lower the other leg, return spine to neutral
Cue half roll back
Start: seated, knees slightly bent, legs adducted or abducted hip distance, feet flat on mat, pelvis vertical, spine flexed (c-curve) forward over legs, arms reaching parallels to floor, top of head toward fingers, scapula stabilized
5-8 reps
Inhale to prepare
Rep 1
Exhale, keep spine flexed & roll ASIS away from femur with feet on mat
Inhale, roll forward to start position
Rep 2
Exhale, use rectus abdominis & obliques to keep spine flexed on roll back
Inhale, return to start
Rep 3
Exhale, hip flexors work eccentrically to roll back
Inhale, hip flexors work concentrically to roll up
Rep 4
Exhale, roll back as far as spinal flexion and flat abs can be maintained
Inhale, glide arms forward on imaginary table
Rep 5
Exhale through pursed lips, roll back
Inhale through nose, roll up
Cue roll up
Start: supine, neutral pelvis & spine, legs extended along mat,adducted or abducted hip distance, parallel, ankles dorsi flexed, hold pole, arms reach overhead, stabilize scapula
5-8 reps
Rep 1
Inhale, stabilize scapula, reach arms to ceiling
Exhale, lengthen back of neck, start from head, flex spine off mat until pelvis is vertical, arms reach parallel to floor, eyes looking at knees
Inhale, maintain flexed spine, roll ASIS away from femurs
Exhale, roll spine through imprint down to mat, when lower thoracic spine is on mat, pelvis returns to neutral, when head is on mat, stabilize scapula to return arms overhead
Rep 2
Inhale, arms reach to ceiling
Exhale, lengthen back of neck, rectus abdominis and obliques contract, then hip flexors to flex torso, stabilize spine during articulation
Inhale, hip flexor a work eccentrically then abs follow to roll ASIS away from femurs
Exhale, spine returns to mat seeking neutral and arms reach overhead
Rep 3
Inhale, arms reach to ceiling, scapula stabilizers active
Exhale, flex up, articulating vertebrae through imprint and off mat one at a time
Inhale, spine remains flexed as pelvis has reached vertical, begin roll down
Exhale, articulate vertebra to mat and neutral position. Arms return overhead, then
Rep 4
Inhale, arms to ceiling
Exhale, reach heels away from torso to stabilize as spine flexes off mat till arms and crown reach parallel to floor.
Inhale, roll ASIS away from femurs
Exhale, roll spine thru imprint to mat and arms reach overhead
Cue one leg circles
Start: supine, neutral pelvis & spine, legs long-one lengthened along mat, other leg reaches to ceiling with 90 degree hip flexion, ankles plantar flexed, toes pointed, arms long by sides, palms down, scapula stabilized
5x’s one direction, 5 x’s other direction
Rep 1
Inhale, circle leg across midline, then away from torso
Exhale, stablize pelvis as leg completes circle
Rep 2
Inhale, bring leg across midline, abs are engage
Exhale, smoothly circle leg back to start
Rep 3
Inhale, leg crosses midline then reaches away
Exhale, leg circles wide, mutifidis and obliques prevent spine rotation
Rep 4
Inhale, circle across, adjusting the circle size to avoid rocking or tilting pelvis
Exhale, return, stabilizing ribs & scapula to avoid upper body tension
Rep 5
Inhale, leg swings across midline the reaches away
Exhale, finish circle and reverse direction
Rep 1
Inhale, circumduct hip out then away from torso
Exhale, cross midline and return to vertical
Rep 2
Inhale, press bottom leg into mat to help stabilize
Exhale, leg moves across midline then back to start
Rep 3
Inhale, out, relax neck and shoulders
Exhale circle back, use abs to keep pelvis neutral
Rep 4
Inhale, smooth circle out
Exhale, return
Rep 5
Inhale, circle leg out
Exhale, finish circle, flex knee, return foot to mat, toe, ball, heel. Switch legs, Extend leg along mat and flex the other knee and hip, then reach to ceiling
Cue spine twist
Start: seated, neutral pelvis & spine, legs long and adducted, ankles dorsi flexed, arms reaching to sides, palms down, scapula stabilized
3-5 reps
Inhale, to prepare
Rep 1
Exhale, rotate spine to one side for one, two, three
Inhale, lengthen and return to center
Exhale, rotate to other side for one, two, three
Inhale, return to center
Rep 2
Exhale, rotate releasing slightly, rotate farther, 3-farther
Inhale, abs are engaged and return
Exhale, other side press, 2, 3
Inhale, scapula stabilized, return
Rep 3
Exhale, rotate and release for 1, 2, 3
Inhale, lengthen even taller through the spine
Contrilateral Internal and external obliques rotate spine from lower to upper vertebrae
Cue rolling like a ball
Start: balance in a seated position with ASIS rolled away from femurs, weight behind sit bones, spine flexed (c-curve), eyes focus at knees, ankles plantar flexed, toes off mat and gently pointed, hands on shins or under knees, scapulae stabilized
8-10 reps
Rep 1
Hold the flexed spine as you
Inhale, contract abs to deepen the lumbar flexion and roll back
Exhale, maintain c curve, roll forward
Rep 2,
Inhale, abs draw ASIS to the ribs to roll back
Exhale, abs draw the ribs to the ASIS to roll forward
Rep 3,
Continue to roll and stabilize scapulae to help
avoid tension in neck
Rep 4
Inhale, adduct legs to engage deep pelvic floor muscles
Exhale, to return
Rep 5
Inhale, lead with lowest vertebra
Exhale, back of neck is long
Rep 6
Inhale breath to sides of ribs
Exhale roll up thru center of spine
Rep 7
Inhale, use abs to roll back
Exhale, avoid using legs to “kick” forward
Rep 8
Inhale roll back, and with control
Exhale forward stopping with weight balanced behind sit bones. Lower one foot to mat, then the other.
Cue single leg stretch
Start: supine, imprinted, upper body flexed off mat, legs tabletop, hands resting against outsides of shins, scapula stabilized
8-10 reps Inhale to prepare Rep 1 Exhale, diagonally Extend 1 leg, outside hand to ankle, inside hand to knee Inhale, begin switch Exhale, leg extends fully, outside hand to ankle, inside to knee Inhale, begin switch Rep 2 Exhale, reach leg out, obliques and multifidis level the pelvis Inhale, switch, keep abs engaged Exhale, reach In through nose, switch Rep 3 Exhale, hip flexors eccentrically reach the leg away Inhale, they concentrically draw the leg in Out thru pursed lips, Inhale, breath to sides of ribs Rep 4 Exhale, reach only as low as pelvic stability can be maintained Switch Exhale, reach leg and stabilize scapula Inhale, stable scapula avoid neck tension Rep 5 Breath out, extend Breath in, return Exhale, reach, are abs still engaged? Inhale, switch Rep 6 Exhale, vasti muscles help track patella as you reach Inhale, return Exhale through lips Inhale, through nose Rep 7 Exhale, reach out Inhale, switch Exhale, extend Inhale, flex the extended knee and hip Rep 8 Exhale reach Inhale switch Exhale out Inhale back and stop, return legs to tabletop
Cue obliques
Start: supine, upper body flexed off mat, imprinted position. Legs tabletop, hands behind head, scapula stabilized.
8-10 reps
Inhale to prepare
Exhale, extend one leg and rotate upper body towards flexed knee
Inhale, remain flexed and return to center, start leg switch
Exhale, extend other leg and rotate to other side
Inhale stay flexed and switch legs
Cue slow double leg stretch
Start: imprinted position, legs bent in air, laterally rotated, ankles plantar flexed with toes gently pointed together and knees apart. Hands on outside of knees. Scapula stabilized
5-10 reps
Inhale, stay
Exhale, lengthen back of neck, contract abdominals to flex thoracic spine, legs don’t move
Inhale, remain flexed, diagonally extend and adduct legs to parallel, reach arms past hips
Exhale, arms reach overhead, legs laterally rotate, dorsi flex feet
Inhale circle arms wide to hips, legs rotate to parallel, point toes
Exhale, lower upper body to mat, flex knees apart with toes together,
Cue double leg stretch
Start: supine, imprinted upper body flexed off mat. Legs tabletop. Hands reaching toward ankles. Scapula stabilized
5-10 reps
Inhale, prepare
Exhale, maintain upper body flexion, scapula stable, reach arms overhead, extend legs
Inhale, flex knees to tabletop, arms circle wide, hands return to ankles
Cue scissors
Cue shoulder bridge
Cue roll over
Cue one leg kick
What is the order for the intermediate mat workout?
Ab prep, breast stroke prep, shell stretch, hundred, half roll back, roll up, one leg circle, spine twist, rolling like a ball, single leg stretch, obliques, slow double leg stretch, double leg stretch, scissors, shoulder bridge, roll over, one leg kick, breast stroke, shell stretch, saw, open leg rocker, neck pull, obliques roll back, jack knife, side kick, side leg lift series, double leg kick, spine stretch forward, teaser 1, swan dive, swimming, shell stretch, leg pull front, hip twist, seal, side bend, push up
Cue breast stroke
Cue shell stretch
Cue saw
Cue open leg rocker
Cue neck pull
Cue obliques roll back
Cue jack knife
Cue side kick
Cue side leg lift series: top leg circles
Cue side leg lift series: staggered legs
Cue side leg lift series: both legs together
Cue side leg lift series: lateral flexion
Cue double leg kick
Cue spine stretch forward
Cue teaser 1
Cue swan dive
Cue swimming
Cue shell stretch
Cue leg pull front
Cue hip twist
Cue seal
Cue side bend
Cue push ups
Cue side leg lift series: top leg abduction