Essential Intrapartum Neonatal Care Flashcards
What is the purpose of immediate drying when the baby is out?
Stimulate Breathing
Provide warmth
What is the action of objective in immediate drying?
use dry cloth
dry the baby by wiping the face, eyes, head, front & back of the trunk, arms, and legs.
do a quick check of the baby’s breathing while crying
How many minutes before the pulsation fades in the cord?
1-3 minutes
How many cm you will put the clamp the cord from the abdomen?
2cm and 5 cm
What will you observe while cutting the cord?
Oozing blood
what is the meaning of BCG
Bacillus Calmette Guerim
the baby wants to eat if?
tounging, rooting and licking
At what age the baby will start to feed?
90 minutes of age
Before birth, what room temperature of the delivery area should be set?
25-28 C
What happens if the newborn acquired hypothermia?
Cyanosis (mangingitim)
Exclusive Breastfeeding of the healthy newborn should start as soon as the :
Newborn shows feeding cues
The baby’s temperature should be:
36.5 - 37.5 C
Things that you don’t do to the newborn
Sunctioning the baby
slap, share, or rub
what will you do after cord clamping?
give 10 IU Oxytocin IM to the mother
Time frame to give HEPA B to newborn
90 minutes to 1hour
1mg IM