essential cosmic perspective quiz chapter 6 Flashcards
Telescopes ______us to see _____ _____ better than with the unaided eye by making them appear bigger_____and clearer
- enable
- distant
- object
- brighter
the first _____ were _____ telescoped which use the ____ability of lenses to focus _____
- telescopes
- refractive
- refractive
- light
when light passes from one ____into another(from ____ to ____at an angle then it _____: it changes speed and _____
- medium
- air
- glass
- refracts
- direction
parallel light passing through a _______ lens will come to a focus at the _____ _____. An extended object will form an extended image at the _____ ______
- complex
- focal point
- focal plane
blue light is ______ more than red light producing _____ and the rainbow as sunlight refracts and ____ in water.
- refrracted
- spectra
- reflects
however this produces ________ aberration in _________. unwanted fuzzy rainbow colored halos around images.
- chromatic
2. refractors
chromatic aberation can be ________ by using extra lenses
- corrected
becuase light has to _____ through the lens in a _________, other problems are the need for a defect free interior, the _________ of light and _______due to sagging and _________
- pass
- refractor
- absorbotion
- distortion
5, heavy lens
the limitations of _____ can be largely avoided by using a mirror as the principle optical piece in the telescope
- refractor
_______ use the reflective ability of mirrors to focus light
- reflectors
when _____ passes from _____ to another from _____ to _____ then some of it reflects with i equal to r
- passes
- medium
- air
- silver