Essay Writers ✏️✏️ Flashcards
Roman writer, philosopher, dramatist, and orator who wrote about asthma and noise
Greek writer who wrote parallel lives
Japanese writer. Court lady. 10th century.
Sei shonagon
Poet, Buddhist monk, brief essays much like Zen paintings
Yoshida Kenko
Wrote modern-day books of longer and more elaborate essays. About virtue and vice, customs and behavior, and children and cannibals
Statesman, philosopher, scientist, essayist. Politically active, intellectually prominent, uneasy alliance of tradition and innovation.
Frances bacon
Wrote essays. Political persuasion in “The crisis”
Thomas Paine
Autobiography. Poor Richards almanac. “Haste makes waste.” “A stitch in time saves nine.” “Fish and visitors stink after three days.”
Benjamin Franklin
Philosophical and moral periodical essays. Rambler. Idler. Adventure. What about gravity and sobriety.
Samuel Johnson
Tattler and spectator. Jointly wrote and published.
Addison and Steele
Essays of Elia and more essays of Elia. “a bachelors complaint”
Charles Lamb
“on the pleasure of hating” Customary gusto.
William Hazlitt
Satire Gullivers travels. Wrote essays. “a modest proposal for preventing the children of the poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country; and for making that beneficial to their public” longest title of a satire.
Jonathan Swift
Essays grow out of public lectures. Aphoristic style. Nuggets of wisdom. Hitch your wagon to a star. Trust thyself. Give all to love. Wrote about nature.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
New Englander. Wrote about nature. “On the duty of civil disobedience.” Walden.
Wrote animal Farm, 1984, A hanging, shooting an elephant, politics and the English language.
George Orwell
“Common reader.” “The death of the moth.”
Virginia Woolf
Fiction novelist who wrote children’s books also wrote charlottes web. “Once more to the lake.”
E.B. White
Wrote about race and relations in America. Black man writer.
James Baldwin
Humorist. Wrote satirical cartoons. Journalist. “Secret life of Walter Mitty”.
James Thurber
“Marrying absurd “
Joan Didion
Wrote about terrorism, being raised, being bilingual, and living in San Francisco.
Richard Rodriguez
Wrote about the struggle for literacy as a black slave
Frederick Douglass
Female African-American writer who wrote in the Harlem Renaissance Period. “Their eyes were watching God”
Zora Neal Hurston
About racial prejudice, injustice, and what must be done to establish and ensure racial equality
Martin Luther King Junior
Wrote about what it means to be a cowboy
Gretel Ehrlich
Wrote about power and place of gender in traditional China. Tells the story of a man transformed into a woman.
Maxine Hong Kingston
Kiona Indian grandmother. Reflects cultural values of tribe and it’s native American traditions.
M. Scott momaday
French for “attempts”
Essaie/ essayer
Short witty phrase. “Early bird catches the worm”.