Essay reference papers Flashcards
Dolinoy et al 2008 = Viable yellow agouti mouse model, example of epigenetics
Styrkarsdottir et al 2008 = GWAS study to find association between BMD and SNP’s to predict future fracture risk, but no clinically useful result was found from this to allow individual fracture risk to be predicted
PAPER: Vila-Navarro et al 2017 - using microRNA’s for the detection of pancreatic neoplasia = pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has 6% 5yr survival, in many cases it is preceeded by intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN). Currently we cannot detect PDAC at an early stage or distinguish it from IPMN on imaging, so genome wide profiling of pancreatic cancer biopsies was carried out and RT-PCR done to identify biomarkers. RESULT - identification of miRNA’s which are up/down regulated in PDAC so that you can diagnose the cancer earlier (hoping to be able to detect these in plasma to reduce need for biopsy)
Bullinger et al 2004 = using micro-arrays to molecularly classify AML
Gao et al 2018 = microRNA’s promote heart failure by reducing excitation contraction coupling. miRNA24 found to affect the cell cycle by downregulating p27 (a cell cycle regulator) -> research into microRNA blocking drugs is needed
Park et al 2010 = DICER when knocked out caused developmental abnormalities in mice, therefore it is essential in development
Qualitative research methods
Iveson et al 2018 = CHEMOTHERAPY TRIAL which used qualitative AND quantitative methods, to compare 3 months to 6 months of oxaliplatin containing chemotherapy (quant = disease free survival, qual = questionnaires to assess pain)
Viet-Thi Trans et al 2015 = TAXONOMY of burden of disease trial, Reinert’s method used to analyse patient answers about living with multi-morbidity to create the taxonomy of the burden of disease
Burton et al 2017 -> rapid evidence review for alcohol-related harm control policies, good study, mention differences compared to SR
Bouri et al = retraction of B-blocker guidelines use to reduce cardiac events as the results of some studies were found to be fictitious in a meta-analysis
Evidence based medicine
Mease et al 2017 = EXAMPLE OF PARALLEL GROUP DESIGN (with crossover) - phase 3 trial example with an active control for psoriatic arthritis (tofacitinib + adalimumab + placebo)
Clinical trials
Hyman et al 2015 = BASKET TRIAL for BRAF inhibitor in cancer patients
Mease et al 2017 = PHASE 3 trial example with an active control for psoriatic arthritis (tofacitinib + adalimumab + placebo)
Human tissue in research
Nordstrom et al 2014 = doing protein microarrays to detect a protein biomarker in prostate cancer to stratify patients into high/low risk groups as PSA is an unreliable marker
Wilcken et al 2007 = to detect higher ratio of the amino acid phenylalanine:tyrosine and to diagnose PKU in babies from blood spot
Dahlgren and Whitehead 1992 = determinants of health at 4 levels
Evans and Stoddard 1994 = determinants of health (HEEPDEW)
Evaluating complex interventions
Wyke et al 2014 = Football Fans In Training (FFIT) programme