Essay plans Flashcards
Show an example of vagueness within the constitution
14th Amendment
It declared anyone born in the country an American citizen, and went on to bar the states from denying them the “privileges or immunities” of citizenship, or depriving any person (including aliens) of life, liberty, or property without due process or law, or of the equal protection of the laws.
What has the 14th Amendment achieved
Fixed up Segregation, birthright and marriage
Loving v Virginia (1967)
interracial marriages violated the 14th Amendment
Brown V Board 1954
public school segregation illegal under 14th Amendment
Obergefell v Hodges (2015)
Challenged Ohios ban on same sex marriage, unconstitutional udner 14th Amendment
How does Vagueness of constitution benefit partisanship within America
Vagueness means both sides of the political aisle can impact it; e.g.
DC v Heller 2008 ruled that 2nd Amendment protects individual right to possess a firearm
Warren Court 1953-69 known for dramatically expanding civil rights
How is vagueness of constitutionl expanding federal gov’t
Necessary and Proper clause allows Congress to justify major expansion of the power of the federal gov’t
Example of Congress rinsing elastic clause
McCulloch v Maryland 1819, Supreme Court gave Congress power to create a national bank. Also evident in major expansion of role of federal government following FDR’s ‘New Deal’.
What happened in McCulloch v Maryland 1819
Supreme Court gave Congress power to create a national bank. Also evident in major expansion of role of federal government following FDR’s ‘New Deal’.
How does Vagueness of constitution enable presidential abuse of power
Article 2 section 2 of constitution declares president comander of chief
, Congress never actually declared war against Vietnam, and hasn’t declared war since 1942 through a neat loophole allowing the Presidents to use military force by instead labelling the intervention as a ‘conflict’.
How does vagueness of constitution enable judicial overstretch of power
Obergefell v Hodges for example, 5-4 ruling with Kennedy, RBG, Stephen Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan majority all with varying liberal swing ideology. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the dissenting opinion criticising the majority opinion for relying on moral convictions rather than a constitutional basis, using the judiciary in a way which was not originally intended
How many amendments have been put forth throughout American history?
11,000 amendments
How does the Amendment process ensure a degree of calmness and stability?
- Stops rash decision
- Trump in Oct 2018 - wanted to take away citzenship guarantee in the 14th amendment –> cannot repeal it by executive order
protects rights - see with flag protection amendment attacking free speech
How many amendments have passed?
Has the amendment process improved social justice
Yes, through 14th amendment,
Brown v Board
Loving v Virginia
Obergefell v Hodges
How does the difficulty of passing any amendments impact US society?
Some proposals that fail as amendments result in legislation
Seen with proposed amendments reflecting public opposition for busing for desegregation purposes - led to a 1972 education law restricting federal involvement in busing
What is it called when laws are outdated
- Fossilisation and an inability to adapt to the times
o Difficulty to change the constitution has come at a price: fossilisation. The laws are arguably antiquated, out of date, and out of touch, in desperate need of change
Whats an example of fossilisation
o Similarly, 2nd Amendment arguably outdated: New York Times, former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens pointed out that the amendment was adopted out of “concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states […] today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.” Following every mass shooting there have been calls for more gun control; it has been made nigh impossible due to the totemic presence of the 2nd Amendment. 339 mass shootings in 2018, 14,503 deaths.
How has the difficulty of amending the constitution given the SC more power
Social change has been enacted through SC
Juficiary is fulfilling role of legislature - making laws updated for modern time
- o Supreme Court was never really meant to have the power of judicial review; The Founders didn’t even bother pick a number of justices for the court. This vagueness allowed the Court, in the landmark case of Marbury vs. Madison in 1803, to ‘discover’ for the first time a supposedly unwritten power in the Constitution, making them the supreme decider in constitution matters. The judiciary was never meant to have to be the legislature. The amendment process needs to be made easier.
Why does hard amendment process not stack up to argument of stability
Germany amends its basic law almost once a year,
US states amend their constitutions every couple of years
in germany an amendment requires a 2/3 majority in each house and thats it
Founders of constitution didnt see the country would be more populous and diverse, consensus requried for change much higher
What quote did James Madison say about trust/scrutiny
‘the truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted’
Example of Congress’ power of the purse
the Senate rejecting a House spending bill that demanded $5.7 billion for a wall along the US-Mexico border. Able to control the legislative agenda