Essay plan Flashcards
Intelligence matters-
hastie & kumar
make rational judgments & come sensible conclusions.
Hastie & Kumar- ppl tend remember Stereotype Inconsistent (SI) more easily than Stereotype Consistent (SC).
Cog model of info recall
anm- scrll & wyer
Srull & Wyer- Associate Network Model
- stereotypes are cog reps (Memory Patterns) rep by nodes which linked to each other.
- node is basic unit of info, link determines which nodes are associated.
Srull & Wyer - SC info revisited even in face of SI info
(encoding) (5)
(srull & wyer)
(oakes & turner)
- Encoding- understand trait/behaviour at basic lvl.
- Eval Formation- initial impression that fits our schema.
- Eval Encoding- interpret behaviour (does it fit SC)
- Resolve Inconsistencies- focus SI info (was footballer quiet for another reason?)
- Bolstering- return to SC info & bolster our understanding with ref to other nodes.
E-Srull & Wyer- cog load affeted this process- if not enough time might skip step 4 and can revisit later.
E- Oakes & Turner- limited processing capacity- increased social stereotyping.
Stereotypes related to cog schemas
- Conceptual Framework of how world works.
- Stereos are Cog Associations (men are better scientists- gender inequality)
Self Categorization Theory (5)
Turner et al
1. categorization based upon need for Schema
- ppl cog rep categories as Prototypes- fuzzy set of attributes define an Examplar (meta-contrast theory)
- make Sense of World- max diffs b/w (inter) & min diffs b/w (intra)–> Accentuation Process
- strive for Entitativity (coherence & unique entities)
- we are no sep from process- Self-Categorization- groups like “me” and groups like “them”
- -we Depersonalize & Self-Streotype.
How we choose categories (3 + 2)
- Readiness- our past experiences & existing schema.
- Comparative Fit- Meta-Contrast Principle.
- Normative Fit- does object display expected characteristics.
- -additionally–
- -1– Self Enhance- achieve Positive Distinctiveness if poss.
- -2– Reduce Uncertainty- make sense of world.
Social Id Approach- less intelligent stereo more but we all do to a degree.
why do we maintain stereos
(hastie & kumar)
Hastie & Kumar- remember SI more easily than SC.
Stereotype Consistent Theory- (Accentuation)- maintain stereos make meaningful group distinctions- make sense.
E- Kelley- have flex how attribute situational factors.
SC- attributed as disposition (Person’s Personality)
SI- attributed as Situational Factors.
why do we maintain stereos
salient gm
Salient Group Membership- if gm not salient at time, then stereo will be changed for the individual not the group
(men good maths, women bad, Emma does well in math- Emma is great at math= exception)
why do we maintain stereos
west & stanovich, type
West & Stanoivch- type 1 & 2 reasoning.
Type 1- quick, auto, easy, heuristic- eval functions.
type 1- when under time pressure/ quick decision, rely on SC & existing bias.
Type 2- slow, deliberate, specific, overrides evol functions.
type 2- have time to make careful decision- override general views & take SI into account.
Positive Stereos- (glick & fiske) (fiske) (saucier et al) (IAT- greenwald et al)
-pairing neg stero with pos- black ppl good at sports.. & singing.
E- Glick & Fiske- 1 strongest types sexism is Benevolent Sexism (male chivalry)
Fiske- stereos way Maintaining Status Quo
Rationalize- politically correct views- not racist but subtle racism= Modern Racism.
E-Saucier et al- black or white person fall over & help.
alone- black 98% & white 81%. When watched 38% & 75%
Implicit Association Test (IAT)- (Greenwald et al) used demo biases even among ppl who claim to not be racist
Stereotype threat (eval apprehension) (IAT & SIA)
Stereo Threat (ST)- (spencer et al)
IAT- suggests groups can stereo themselves- consistent with Social Id Approach.
-fear that we will perform according to stereo.
E- Spencer et al- females performed worse in maths test when told they females did worse
Key concepts.
- beliefs about attributes that are thought to be characteristics of members of a particular group.
- neg attributes or effective response towards certain groups & its individual members.
- unfair treatment of members of particular group based on their membership to that group.
Decrease stereos?
(good et al)
(cohen et al)
no great answer….. Empower?
E- Good et al- Hispanics- told their intelligence under control- classes, website= increase exam performance.
-helps male sense if ST due to Eval Apprehension & possible effect on Self-Integrity.
E- Cohen et al- blacks middle school. (remedial intervention from 18% to 5%)
Contact Hypo
(pettigrew & tropp)
Allport et al- Positive Experiences with “out-group” members help Counter Neg Perceptions or STs & decrease prejudice.
E-Pettigrew & Tropp- meta-analysis 515 studies- confirmed Allport’s core proposition- robust, highly sig, neg relationships b/w contact & prejudice.
others forms of contact-
(wright et al)
Extended Contact-
E- Wright et al- white ptcpts who had ingroup member with 1+ outgroup friends- had weaker outgroup prejudice.
Imagined Contact-
Vicarious Contact-
Electronic Contact-
E- Gonzales et al- game- Second Life- if black characters= decreased racial attitudes.
Dasgupta et al- ppl attending college staffed mostly females- less stereos v normal.