Essay plan Flashcards
Dev Disorders-
-manifest before adulthood- disrupts normal dev- motor, cog, socio-emotional- delay or deficit. (ASD, ADHD, intellectual disability).
Autism (now ASD)
(founders & symps)
Triad of Impairments-
Kanner 1943; Asperger 1944- early descriptions- low IQ, Autistic Aloneness, Sameness Desire.
- Wing & Gould 1979- impairments in:
1. Social Interaction
2. Communication
3. Repetitive Patterns of Behavior.
- inconsistent, criteria, validitiy.
1. Autistic Disorder
2. Asperger’s
3. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
4. Pervasive Dev Disorder (not specific)
DSM-V- changes
need 2+
-May 2013 Removed specifics (Asperger's). Severity by amount care needed. 3 impairments combined (social comm/interaction, restricted/rep behaviors & rep activities/interests.) Need 2+
DSM-V- criteria
must meet A, B, C, D
A. persistent deficits- Social Comm/Interaction ALL 3: 1.defs Social-Emotional Reciprocity. 2. Nonverbal Comm 3. Dev & Maintain Relationships.
B. Rep Patterns of Behaviours
ALL 2:
1. Stereotypical/Rep Speech, & Motor Movements
2. Excess Adherence to Routine
C. syms present from Early Childhood.
D. limit & Impair Everyday Function
Loss id (Asperger's), affect insurance, access to care? More nuance diagnosis, better care, individual needs, more consistent.
Diff characteristics & combos, varying severity.
4x common in males.
“Islets of Ability”- good or better than TD (Rote Memory, Spatial Tasks).
Causes ASD.
Heredity component- twin/adoption studies.
Structural abs, connection probs, mirror neurons.
E- Happe et al 2006- no clear genetic neuronal explanation.
ASD diagnosis probs
Behavioral Criteria- some signs early as (12-18 months) can go roughly (3 years) undiagnosed.
However diagnose improved with use of better materials.
Theories of ASD (3)
(WCC, frith & happe)
(ToM, baron-cohen)
Executive Functioning View (EF)
-planning, organisation, inhibition, impulse control, attention - not casual role- BUT
early diffs in EF play role in dev outcomes- correlation b/w EF & later ToM skills.
Weak Central Coherence (WCC)
-typically dev tendency -process info globally. WCC- bias for Featural/Local Info, Details.
E- Frith & Happe 1994- explain certain aspects ASD- Islets of Ability- Rote Memory, Preoccupation with detail
ToM Deficit
-limits effective social understanding, diff interpret behaviors, diff to comm. Explain routine indirectly & sameness.
E-Baron-Cohen et al 1985- Sally-Anne false belief task.
-mental age 4. ASD 20% right v TD 80% right.
-ASD could order & explain mechanical & behavioral stories- diff ordering “Mentalistic” stories. - randomly order, only report what they see etc…
(sodian & frith)
(leslie & thaiss)
E- Sodian & Frith 1992- 2 cons
- Sabotage- could lock box with key- manipulate robber’s behaviour.
- Deception- tell a puppet box was locked (it wasn’t)- manipulate robber’s belief.
- ASD - motivated but can’t manipulate robber’s belief.
Probs- “representations” mental v non-mental (as maps/photos can be “false” reps).
E- Leslie & Thaiss- 15 ASD & 20 TD matched mental ages- ASD only impaired on mental reps.
Disengaging from object
hughes & russel
E- Hughes & Russel 1993- fail on false belief tasks- can’t ignore knowledge about object’s actual position.
Limitation of ToM hypo
high function, happe
Some high functioning ASD perform at TD lvls- not universal.
E- Happe 1995- however not until ASD much older, may rely on simpler strategies.
Second-Order Beleifs
“Where does Anne think Sally will look for marble?”- some high functioning ASD can solve.
Strange Stories (happe)
E- Happe 1994- more natural, increased complexity- read story & asked why person said something they didn’t mean (white lie, pretend, joke, idiom).
“hates new hat, wife asks, he say he likes it”
-“Is Peter telling truth?” & “Why did he say it?”
Even ASD passed 2nd order- impaired- vocab too loaded?
Reading Mind Through Eyes
E- Baron-Cohen et al 1997- infer mental states via eyes. ToM abilities (6 years).
ASD sig impaired- don’t look at eyes.
-had choose correct emotion face showed (concerned v unconcerned)- correlates performance on strange stories.