Essay Exam Questions Flashcards


To what extent do the suitors deserve what happened to them?

«Break Xenia- Antin teething stool at Od, can take Xenia but incapable of giving it
«Plot to Kill Telemachus 
«Court Penelope 
«Suitors own cause for death- Zeus book 2 
Main Reason- Xenia 
«Will of gods, unfair? 
«Didn’t commit crimes, only plotted
«Is breaking Xenia worthy of death? Od did same at cyclops cave and Cicones 
«Od been gone 20 years, courting fair 
«Penelope leading on- victims 
«They dont all favour killing Telemachus
«Victims of fate
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How important is Athene’s role in the Odyssey?


She is important
«Her contribution to council at start- Od may not have left Ogygia without
«Advice she gives Tel. In book 1
«council of gods book 5
«her intervention in storm after Poseidon
«puts ideas in Od’s Head
«visits Nausicaa in dream
«improves Od’s Appearance
«guides him as young girl
«appears as young shepherd on arrival at Ithaca
«Disguises Od.
«Helps Od in fight against Suitors
She isn’t important
«lack of assistance during storm
«summoning of citizens in book7 unnecessary
«retrieving discus in book 8 unnecessary
«advice she gives is usually already given by character
«Od shown to be intelligent, does he need her ideas?
«Od does hard work himself most of time

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The female characters in The Odyssey are simply background characters.


Women are only background characters
«Penelope: Despite regular appearances takes back seat, is dismissed by Tel several times, largely under control of suitors, Od doesn’t reveal identity until book 23
«Calypso: victim of higher gods, cant rebuke Hermes, plays second fiddle to Od in boat building, her breeze overcome by Poseidon’s storm, easily placated by Od over feelings for Penelope, even as god has to weave
«Nausicaa: Puppet of Athene in book 6, doesn’t do anything crucial for Od, simply gives directions, disappears in book 7 and 8 and only appears again as if she is an afterthought
«Arete: Kindly figure, in shadow of husband, doesn’t do anything integral to storyline
«Circe: fails to defeat Od in book 10 despite powers, delay on island not useful to story, no visible signs of her helping him to Hades actually being useful, Od doesn’t follow her advice
«Laestrygonians: Princess and Queen play very small role, brief mention
«women in hades: Anticleias advice not really useful, women named but doesn’t really add to story
«servants in Ithaca: generally passive, Eurycleia threatened by Od, execution of maids reflects their lack of importance
«Ino, Aphrodite, Scylla etc. No real substance to story, ignores advice, further his glory etc.

Women are not only background characters
«Penelope: Large part of Od’s Nostos which is integral underlying theme, stated as reason Od leaves Ogygia, Od only unfaithful with goddesses under necessity, most important thing he asks Anticleia is Penelope’s safety, Penelope shows ideal wife, equal to Od, shown to possess many Homeric hero qualities
«Calypso: lets him go, provides materials and wind for him, has power to offer Od. Immortality
«Nausicaa: instrumental in Book 6, shows sense in advice she gives
«Arete: Od supplicates to her, not Alcinous, she takes lead in questioning him several times
«Circe: Furthers Od’s Glory as villain, gives him much needed hospitality, instrumental in him getting to Hades, gives instrumental advice on his return: warns about sirens, Scylla and charibdas
«Women in Hades: Anticleia humanises Od, gives him important info, story of Clytemnestra helps show qualities of Penelope and further her narrative
«Servants in Ithaca: Eurycleia is good female servant, her reliability to Od in keeping plan secret, Melanthius provides contrast of bad servants, deaths of bad maids deaths

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To what extent does Od trust those below him in status


He does trust those below him
«Eurycleia: Fondness and trust implied (Nurse, you who suckled me), shown to trust her asks her to identify disloyal maids after dismissing her before, she follows instructions of Tel and Eumaeus, she defends Od when Penelope doesn’t believe her, described as virtual wife to Laertes- he doesn’t take advantage of her, Od speaks to her in time of crisis- trusts her
«Eumaeus: Eumaeus loyalty praised by Athene, Od calls him friend repeatedly- shows trust, not revealing identity a matter of life or death, not because of lack of trust, Homer praises Eumaeus directly (‘Worthy’), he is ever present in background through books 19-24, Od shows trust and promises them a wife and to treat them as Tel’s friends and brothers

He doesn’t trust those below him
«Eurycleia: Harshness towards her when she recognises him (grips old woman’s throat, I wont spare you) shows he well aware of his superior position and asserts it however is life and death situation. He is quite dismissive of her- when she offers to help by IDing bad maids he tells her to keep this to yourself.
«Other female servants: Has little contact with them, however Melantho abuses him in book 19 and he marks her as untrustworthy. Od doesn’t waste time deliberating over untrustworthy ones, orders Tel to kill them however not as gruesomely as Tel does it
«Eumaeus: Od lies to him even though he shows great sadness- he reveals himself to Tel but doesn’t put Eumaeus out of misery.
«Melanthius: is at suitors beck and call, like maids doesn’t have too much contact, although he abuses Od and tries to kill him. His death is gruesome and most horrific

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Does Odysseus succeed as a leader and his crew fail or does Odysseus fail as a leader?


Od succeed and crew fail
«Lotus eaters- Od saves three and shows good leadership
«Polyphemus: doesn’t take food and tells crew not to, they ignore him, he comes up with escape plan knows not to kill Poly (wine, nobody, volunteers, sheep)
«Aeolia: crew fail him by opening bag, petty
«Laestrygonians: He thinks quickly, couldn’t save rest
«Circe: goes out to scout himself, kills stag to provide for men, uses lots to divide men into team-gods will, doesn’t shirk responsibility, tells Eurylochus he must go, is his duty, crew excited when he returns (“Frisking calves”) Eurylochus follows despite his protestations, Odysseus gives proper burial for Elenor.

Odysseus fails as a leader
«Ismarus: fails to persuade men to leave- loses 6 men
«Polyphemus: his curiosity leads them in, no reason to leave goat island, has bad feeling goes anyway, arrogantly demands gift, unnecessarily puts crew at risk
«Aeolia: falls asleep allowing crew to open bag, doesn’t tell them what’s in, fails to win Aeolus on return
«Laestrygonians: strangely his own ship doesn’t enter harbour, hangs back and sends crew out, should have known better
«Circe: Kills stag as bribe, his authority seems to be precarious (Eurylochus) Od nearly loses control (wants to lop of Eurylochus’ head) spends a whole year with Circe, loses sight, doesn’t realise Elenor missing until Hades

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