Essay 1 | Methods of Biblical Interpretation Flashcards
What are the various categories into which the methods may fall & What are some specific methods that might fit into those categories?
- Historical Criticism
o Concerned with what the text meant- what was the context of the text in biblical times
o A product of the enlightenment and concerned with reason
o Look to:
• Redaction criticism
• Source criticism
• Form Ciriticism- Gunkel/ Sitz im Leben/Genre
• Comparative ANE texts
• Social-Scientific-Mendenhall & Gotwald/ honor & shame societies - Literary Criticism
o What does the text mean on the basis of the text itself (actual words)
o Final form is concerned with what the text means as it stands and not with the redaction histories
o Looks at rhetorical functions and literary devices
• Narrative Analysis
• Poetic Analysis
• Rhetorical Analysis - Reception History
o one of the 4 main categories of methods
o the study of a text by looking at its various interpretations and the interactions of those interpretations as it is received by different communities over the centuries
o It draws attention to the importance of context of the writer and more importantly of the various readings of the text. - Post Critical/Ideological/Situated Readings
o Brought on by post modern concerns
• Feminist Criticism (5 major positions)
• Womanist Readings
• **SLIDE 21 1st lecture look to 1 or 2 types
How are methods like rules for a game?
- It is when we play a game together we all know the rules and presuppose that all that is needed is there to play a game
- There is a limit to the game metaphor- although every reader has a method to bring to the text reading the text is not a game- there are serious consequences to interpreting the text and the consequences that affect peoples lives.
How does one’s method influence one’s reading of a text?
- Common set of presuppositions and questions that readers are bringing to the text to allow for discussion of the text to happen
Are some methods more suited for certain types of literature than others?
- Yes, depending on what features are in the text will guide what method is used to guide the reading and discussion of the text
o Ex. Using Narrative method is not helpful in poetic text due to no narrative throughout the text
Are there particular methods you find less or more helpful? Why?
- Personal interpretation & be sure to say why!