ESRM201 ID - Need to Know Native Plants Flashcards
Pseudotsuga menziesii Not a true fir Bottlebrush, pointy buds Distinct bark Tri-dentate (mouse tail cones).
Western hemlock
Tsuga heterophylla WA State tree. Needles flat, blunt and different lengths tends to be flat sprays. Abundant, hanging cones w papery scales. Long droopy branches and apical stem.
Mountain hemlock
Tsuga mertensiana
Western redcedar
Thuja plicata redcedar not red cedar Scale-like needles (shingled). Reddish-brown bark in strips Small abundant rose shaped cones. Green immature, brown mature
Sitka spruce
Picea sitchensis
Engelmann spruce
Picea engelmannii
Grand fir
Abies grandes True fir, cruciform branching Flat, notched needles. Flat orientation off sides of branch. Smells like Xmas. Cones, erect, remain on tree.
Noble fir
Abies procera
Subalpine fir
Abies lasiocarpa
Pacific silver fir
Abies amabilis True fir, cruciform branching Flat, notched needles. Dome orientation off sides and top of branch. Grow towards tip of branch. Bark generally remains smooth w/ characteristic white patches Cones, erect, remain on tree.
Western white pine
Pinus monticola Bunched needles (5 per fascicle and middle of three pines). Super soft. Bark brown with cinnamon on mature trees, ridged Cones long, banana shaped, papery and w/o prickles
Coast redwood
Sequoia sempervirens
Lodgepole pine
Pinus contorta W vs E population (shore vs lodgepole) Bunched needles (2 per fascicle and shortest of three pines). Small egg shaped cones, stiff and w prickles.
Ponderosa pine
Pinus ponderosa Bunched needles (3 per fascicles and longest of three pines) Bark brown with orange on mature trees, platey and puzzle shaped. Smells of vanilla in warm weather Cones big with stiff, pointy scales.
Western larch
Larix occidentalis