Espanol Verbos Y Frases Flashcards
To show support
To slack off
To skive
To instill / drum into
To be in favour of
Ser partidario de
To take possesion of sth,
To take charge /office
Tomar possesion de (un cargo)
To take control of, to take over, to take posesion of
Raise suspicions
Levantar sospechas
To get a piece of the action
Sacar tajada
To make up for / to compensate for
To be an example
To be a role model
Ser un referente
To weaken
To originate / to arise
To supress
To be subject to
Ser sujeto a
To let up To weaken (weather)
To take in water (boat) To founder ( a business)
Hacer aguas
To strengthen
Potenciar (estimular)
To bid
To inform on/against
To betray
To supply
Proveer de
Abastecer de
To get in the way of sth
Ponerse en medio de
Half way
A medio camino
Por la mitad
Cortar por la mitad (cut in half)
A medias
Estoy por la mitad de este libro
Estoy por la mitad de mi vida
I have no problem whats so ever
I have no problem with that
No tengo inconveniente alguno en
No tengo inconveniente en ello
To be prone to
Ser propenso a
Tener tendencia a
To look away
Apartar la mirada
To underestimate
To win by a landslide
Ganar por goleada
He/she looked upset/annoyed
Se lo vio molesto
To come to blows
Llegar a las manos (pegarse)
To round off
Set trends
Marcar tendencia
To be ones right hand man
Ser la mano derecha de alguien
To have no record
To have a record
No tener registro
Tener registro
Its alright for some
Los hay con suerte