ESL Words 2023 Flashcards
Asexuality: Lack of sexual attraction to others or interest in sexual activities.
Synonyms: Nonsexual, celibate, abstinent, unsexual, platonic
Example: “Some people identify as asexual, meaning they are not sexually attracted to anyone.”
PT= Assexualidade, celibato, abstinência
Rubbing: The action of pressing or being pressed against something with a circular or back-and-forth motion.
Synonyms: Friction, chafing, scouring, buffing, grinding
Example: “The rubbing of your hands together creates heat.”
PT= Atrito, fricção, esfregação, polimento
Penthouse: An apartment or flat on the top floor of a tall building.
Synonyms: Loft, flat, apartment, rooftop suite, top-floor residence
Example: “The penthouse offers a breathtaking view of the city.”
PT= Cobertura, apartamento de cobertura, sótão, último andar
Oblige: To make someone feel morally or legally bound to do something.
Synonyms: Compel, coerce, necessitate, constrain, bind
Example: “He felt obliged to help his neighbor.”
PT= Obrigar, compelir, forçar, constranger
Ranked: Positioned in a scale or list according to quality, importance, etc.
Synonyms: Rated, classified, ordered, graded, arranged
Example: “She is ranked among the top athletes in her sport.”
PT= Classificado, ordenado, graduado, avaliado
Viewership: The number or type of people who watch a particular TV program.
Synonyms: Audience, following, spectators, fan base, watcher numbers
Example: “The viewership for the show has been increasing.”
PT= Audiência, telespectadores, seguidores, público
Dispel: To drive away or cause to vanish, usually an idea or feeling.
Synonyms: Disperse, banish, eliminate, scatter, clear
Example: “She dispelled any doubts we had about the project.”
PT= Dissipar, dispersar, afastar, eliminar
Is on Track
Is on Track: Following a course that leads to a desired result.
Synonyms: On course, progressing well, going as planned, on schedule, on target
Example: “The project is on track to be completed on time.”
PT= No caminho certo, no rumo certo, no prazo, encaminhado
To Eclipse
To Eclipse: To overshadow or surpass.
Synonyms: Outshine, surpass, outdo, outclass, overshadow
Example: “The sequel eclipsed the success of the first movie.”
PT= Ofuscar, eclipsar, superar, ultrapassar
Ahead of the Curve
Ahead of the Curve: More advanced than the current standard or trend.
Synonyms: Cutting-edge, avant-garde, pioneering, progressive, leading
Example: “Their new software is ahead of the curve in terms of innovation.”
PT= À frente do tempo, inovador, pioneiro, vanguardista
To Corner the Market
To Corner the Market: To gain control over a particular market or product.
Synonyms: Monopolize, dominate, control, take over, command
Example: “The company has cornered the market in electric cars.”
PT= Dominar o mercado, monopolizar, controlar
Raise the Bar
Raise the Bar: To set higher standards or expectations.
Synonyms: Elevate standards, heighten expectations, set a higher benchmark, up the ante, escalate
Example: “He really raised the bar with his latest performance.”
PT= Elevar o padrão, aumentar as expectativas, subir a fasquia
Against the Clock
Against the Clock: Having a limited amount of time to do something.
Synonyms: In a rush, pressed for time, on a deadline, time-sensitive, under time pressure
Example: “They worked against the clock to finish the project.”
PT= Contra o tempo, com o tempo contado, sob pressão de tempo
Head to Head
Head to Head: In direct competition or confrontation.
Synonyms: Toe to toe, one-on-one, face-to-face, directly, mano a mano
Example: “The two teams will go head to head in the final match.”
PT= Cara a cara, frente a frente, um contra um, em confronto direto
Gap Year
Gap Year: A year taken off, usually between high school and college, for travel, work, or other experiences.
Synonyms: Sabbatical, hiatus, time off, intermission, break year
Example: “She took a gap year to volunteer in Africa.”
PT= Ano sabático, ano de intervalo, ano fora, ano livre
Thermos Bottle
Thermos Bottle: A container that keeps liquids hot or cold for an extended period.
Synonyms: Flask, vacuum bottle, insulated bottle, thermal bottle, hot-and-cold container
Example: “I always bring a thermos bottle of coffee to work.”
PT= Garrafa térmica, termo, frasco térmico, recipiente térmico
Definition: Physical or mental conditions that cause discomfort or illness.
Synonyms: Illness, malady, disorder, affliction, condition
Example: “Many people suffer from common ailments like colds and headaches.”
PT: doenças, enfermidades, males, distúrbios, aflições
Definition: To add something at the end of a document or piece of writing.
Synonyms: Add, attach, affix, annex, supplement
Example: “Please append your signature at the end of the contract.”
PT: anexar, acrescentar, adicionar, juntar, apensar
As the wake of
As the wake of
Definition: Following or as a result of something, especially an event that has a big impact.
Synonyms: In the aftermath, consequent to, subsequent to, ensuing, trailing
Example: “As the wake of the hurricane, many homes were destroyed.”
PT: No rastro de, na esteira de, em consequência de, após, seguido de
Definition: A heat-resistant mineral fiber once used in building construction, but now largely avoided because of health risks.
Synonyms: Mineral fiber, silicate, insulator, fireproof material, chrysotile
Example: “Old buildings sometimes contain asbestos in their insulation.”
PT: amianto, asbesto, fibra mineral, isolante, crisotila
Definition: To surprise or amaze someone very much.
Synonyms: Amaze, surprise, stun, flabbergast, dumbfound
Example: “Her performance was so good, it astonished the audience.”
PT: surpreender, espantar, estupefazer, maravilhar, assombrar
Definition: Having the confident quality of someone who is respected and trusted.
Synonyms: Commanding, trustworthy, reliable, credible, expert
Example: “The doctor gave an authoritative diagnosis.”
PT: autoritário, confiável, crível, respeitável, especialista
Definition: A concentrated artillery attack, or any overwhelming and continuous delivery of something.
Synonyms: Bombardment, onslaught, volley, salvo, fusillade
Example: “The team faced a barrage of criticism after losing the game.”
PT: bombardeio, saraivada, enxurrada, ataque maciço, descarga
Be/Get Bogged Down
Be/Get Bogged Down
Definition: To become stuck or hindered in progress.
Synonyms: Stall, hinder, obstruct, impede, slow down
Example: “Don’t get bogged down in the details; focus on the big picture.”
PT: emperrar, atolar, ficar preso, estagnar, obstruir
Definition: To hit repeatedly with a heavy object; to force or bully someone into doing something.
Synonyms: Club, batter, cudgel, coerce, intimidate
Example: “He bludgeoned his way through the argument.”
PT: espancar, aporrear, coagir, intimidar, forçar
Bone Weary
Bone Weary
Definition: Extremely tired or fatigued to the core.
Synonyms: Exhausted, drained, worn out, beat, fatigued
Example: “After a long day of work, she felt bone weary.”
PT: exausto, esgotado, cansado até os ossos, desgastado, fadigado
Definition: Wild male pigs; can be dangerous and are often hunted.
Synonyms: Wild pigs, swine, hogs, sows, tuskers
Example: “Boars are known for their aggressive behavior.”
PT: javalis, porcos selvagens, suínos, leitões, verrascos
Bubbling Up
Bubbling Up
Definition: Emerging or becoming evident, usually rapidly or suddenly.
Synonyms: Emerge, surface, arise, well up, spring up
Example: “New ideas are bubbling up in the tech industry.”
PT: emergindo, surgindo, aflorando, borbulhando, aparecendo
Definition: Friends, often close friends.
Synonyms: Friends, pals, mates, chums, comrades
Example: “They have been buddies since kindergarten.”
PT: amigos, camaradas, parceiros, colegas, companheiros
Definition: The killing of a large number of people or animals, usually in a violent way.
Synonyms: Slaughter, massacre, bloodshed, butchery, killing
Example: “The war resulted in unimaginable carnage.”
PT: carnificina, massacre, matança, chacina, destruição
Definition: Easy to remember, especially because of being clever or melodious.
Synonyms: Memorable, tuneful, infectious, appealing, striking
Example: “That new song has a catchy tune.”
PT: cativante, memorável, atraente, orelhudo, pegajoso
Definition: A warning or caution about a particular statement or condition.
Synonyms: Warning, caution, proviso, qualification, condition
Example: “The report is positive but comes with several caveats.”
PT: ressalva, advertência, aviso, precaução, observação
Definition: Equal in measure or extent; proportionate.
Synonyms: Proportional, corresponding, equivalent, comparable, matching
Example: “Your payment should be commensurate with the amount of work done.”
PT: proporcional, correspondente, equivalente, compatível, adequado
Definition: To show sympathy or compassion for someone who is unhappy or disappointed.
Synonyms: Sympathize, empathize, console, comfort, pity
Example: “She commiserated with her friend who had just lost her job.”
PT: compadecer, lamentar, solidarizar, consolar, apoiar
Definition: Something given as payment or reparation for a service or loss.
Synonyms: Remuneration, salary, wage, recompense, pay
Example: “He received compensation for his work.”
PT: compensação, remuneração, pagamento, salário, indenização
Definition: An agreement made by reducing demands or coming to middle terms.
Synonyms: Concession, settlement, accord, agreement, deal
Example: “They reached a compromise after hours of negotiation.”
PT: compromisso, acordo, ajuste, concessão, pacto
Conjoined Twins
Conjoined Twins
Definition: Twins born physically connected to each other.
Synonyms: Siamese twins, identical twins, connected twins, attached twins, fused twins
Example: “The doctors are planning a surgery to separate the conjoined twins.”
PT: gêmeos siameses, gêmeos unidos, gêmeos ligados, gêmeos conjoined, gêmeos fundidos
Definition: Extreme emotional outbursts or fits of anger or anxiety.
Synonyms: Fits, tantrums, outbursts, flare-ups, explosions
Example: “She had conniptions when she saw the mess.”
PT: ataques, chiliques, rompantes, explosões emocionais, acessos
Definition: A hotel employee whose job is to assist guests with their needs.
Synonyms: Attendant, custodian, steward, porter, receptionist
Example: “The concierge helped us find a good restaurant nearby.”
PT: concierge, porteiro, recepcionista, atendente, encarregado
Definition: A collection of things lying around in an untidy mass.
Synonyms: Mess, disarray, jumble, chaos, disorder
Example: “Her desk was full of clutter.”
PT: bagunça, desordem, confusão, entulho, caos
Definition: A person’s natural inclination to be a morning person or an evening person.
Synonyms: Sleep pattern, circadian preference, sleep cycle, biorhythm, sleep-wake type
Example: “Your chronotype affects when you feel most energetic during the day.”
PT: cronotipo, padrão de sono, ritmo circadiano, ciclo de sono, biorritmo
Definition: Not openly acknowledged or displayed; hidden.
Synonyms: Secret, concealed, hidden, undercover, stealthy
Example: “He is on a covert mission.”
PT: secreto, oculto, dissimulado, camuflado, clandestino
Definition: To cause someone to believe something that is not true.
Synonyms: Mislead, dupe, fool, trick, hoodwink
Example: “He tried to deceive his friends with a fake identity.”
PT: enganar, iludir, trapacear, ludibriar, desorientar
Definition: The quality of requiring much effort or attention.
Synonyms: Needy, high-maintenance, insistent, clamorous, exacting
Example: “Her demandiness drained all his energy.”
PT: exigência, carência, necessidade intensa, altas demandas, insatisfação constante
Definition: Suffering from dementia or insanity; mad.
Synonyms: Insane, mad, deranged, unhinged, crazy
Example: “His ideas are completely demented.”
PT: demente, insano, louco, perturbado, desequilibrado
Dismissed for Cause
Dismissed for Cause
Definition: Terminated from a job due to specific wrongdoing or failure to comply with rules.
Synonyms: Fired, sacked, terminated, laid off, let go
Example: “He was dismissed for cause after violating company policy.”
PT: demitido por justa causa, despedido, dispensado, expulso, afastado
Draw Out
Draw Out
Definition: To extend or prolong something; to encourage someone to express themselves.
Synonyms: Extend, elongate, protract, lengthen, extract
Example: “She was able to draw out the conversation for hours.”
PT: prolongar, estender, atrasar, retardar, arrastar
Definition: To fear something that will or may happen.
Synonyms: Fear, apprehension, trepidation, anxiety, worry
Example: “She felt a sense of dread before taking the exam.”
PT: medo, temor, receio, apreensão, pavor
Due Diligence
Due Diligence
Definition: The careful investigation or research before making a decision, often in a legal or financial context.
Synonyms: Caution, care, prudence, investigation, scrutiny
Example: “They exercised due diligence before acquiring the company.”
PT: diligência devida, cuidado, precaução, investigação, escrutínio
Definition: To live in a particular place; to focus attention on.
Synonyms: Reside, inhabit, live, stay, focus
Example: “She dwells on her past mistakes too often.”
PT: habitar, morar, residir, fixar-se, concentrar-se
Definition: To make into law or establish through legal process.
Synonyms: Implement, establish, legislate, pass, ordain
Example: “The government enacted new environmental regulations.”
PT: promulgar, instituir, decretar, estabelecer, legislar
Definition: To receive money in return for work or effort.
Synonyms: Gain, acquire, obtain, win, secure
Example: “He earns a good salary at his new job.”
PT: ganhar, adquirir, obter, merecer, conquistar
Definition: Short trips to achieve specific tasks, usually within the context of daily life.
Synonyms: Tasks, chores, jobs, duties, assignments
Example: “I have to run some errands before the party.”
PT: recados, tarefas, afazeres, diligências, obrigações
Definition: Equal in degree or extent; used to introduce an added statement, typically contrasting with a previous statement.
Synonyms: Equal, identical, same, balanced, steady
Example: “Even after hours of work, they didn’t finish the project.”
PT: mesmo, igual, par, equilibrado, constante
Definition: The quality of being balanced or equal.
Synonyms: Uniformity, balance, stability, regularity, consistency
Example: “The evenness of her temperament is impressive.”
PT: uniformidade, equilíbrio, estabilidade, regularidade, consistência
Faux Pas
Faux Pas
Definition: A social blunder or indiscretion.
Synonyms: Blunder, mistake, error, gaffe, slip
Example: “Wearing casual clothes to a formal event is considered a faux pas.”
PT: gafe, erro, deslize, falha, imprudência
Definition: Having or displaying intense force or passion.
Synonyms: Ferocious, intense, aggressive, violent, forceful
Example: “The competitors were fierce during the match.”
PT: feroz, intenso, agressivo, violento, ardente
Definition: Containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers.
Synonyms: Stringy, thread-like, filamentous, wiry, fibroid
Example: “The vegetable has a fibrous texture.”
PT: fibroso, filamentoso, fibroide, fibrado, stringente
Definition: A record or collection of information stored together.
Synonyms: Document, record, archive, folder, dossier
Example: “Save the document in the correct file.”
PT: arquivo, ficha, documento, registro, pasta
Definition: Preceding in time; earlier.
Synonyms: Previous, prior, past, old, earlier
Example: “His former teacher congratulated him on his success.”
PT: anterior, ex-, prévio, passado, precedente
Definition: Filled with tension or negative emotions.
Synonyms: Charged, tense, loaded, stressful, anxious
Example: “The meeting was fraught with difficulties.”
PT: tenso, carregado, repleto, estressante, problemático
Definition: To accomplish or carry out an action, task, or function.
Synonyms: Complete, achieve, realize, execute, perform
Example: “She managed to fulfill all of her responsibilities.”
PT: cumprir, realizar, concretizar, satisfazer, completar
Game Farmers
Game Farmers
Definition: Individuals who breed and raise wild animals for hunting.
Synonyms: Gamekeepers, breeders, animal farmers, wildlife farmers, ranchers
Example: “Game farmers ensure a sustainable population for hunting.”
PT: fazendeiros de caça, criadores, guardas florestais, rancheiros de caça, agricultores de animais selvagens
Game Meat
Game Meat
Definition: Meat from animals that are hunted and killed in the wild.
Synonyms: Wild meat, venison, hunted meat, bushmeat, feral meat
Example: “Game meat is usually leaner than farmed meat.”
PT: carne de caça, carne silvestre, carne de animais caçados, carne de caça selvagem, carne de animais selvagens
Definition: To talk quickly and in a way that is difficult to understand.
Synonyms: Jabber, chatter, prattle, babble, ramble
Example: “She gabbled her speech, making it hard to understand.”
PT: tagarelar, palrar, resmungar, falar rapidamente, balbuciar
Definition: Plants with long narrow leaves, often used for lawns and pasture.
Synonyms: Turf, sod, herbage, greenery, meadow
Example: “The field is full of wild grasses.”
PT: gramas, pastos, relvas, ervas, capins
Definition: To complain or protest about something in a low voice.
Synonyms: Complain, moan, gripe, mutter, whine
Example: “He always grumbles about the weather.”
PT: resmungar, reclamar, queixar-se, murmurar, lamentar
Definition: Easily deceived or tricked.
Synonyms: Naive, credulous, trusting, unsuspecting, easily fooled
Example: “He was so gullible that he believed every story she told.”
PT: crédulo, ingênuo, fácil de enganar, confiante, simplório
Definition: To provide a place of safety; to hold secretly.
Synonyms: Shelter, hide, conceal, protect, shield
Example: “The family harbored the stray dog for the night.”
PT: acolher, abrigar, esconder, ocultar, proteger
Definition: A place used for hiding or shelter.
Synonyms: Refuge, sanctuary, haven, shelter, safe house
Example: “The thieves were found in their hideout.”
PT: esconderijo, refúgio, abrigo, toca, guarida
Definition: A gardening tool with a flat blade for chopping or loosening soil.
Synonyms: Mattock, pickaxe, spade, shovel, cultivator
Example: “She used a hoe to prepare the garden for planting.”
PT: enxada, pá, sachador, sachadeira, instrumento de capina
Definition: To shout or yell, often to get someone’s attention.
Synonyms: Shout, yell, scream, bellow, roar
Example: “If you need help, just holler.”
PT: gritar, berrar, clamar, vociferar, bradar
Definition: The hard foot of some animals like horses, cows, and deer.
Synonyms: Paw, trotter, cloven foot, extremity, pad
Example: “The horse had an injured hoof.”
PT: casco, pata, pé fendido, unha, extremidade
Definition: Plants used to flavor beer; or to jump lightly.
Synonyms: Skip, leap, jump, bounce, bound
Example: “The rabbit hops across the field.”
PT: lúpulo, saltar, pular, salto, pulo
Definition: Extremely large; enormous.
Synonyms: Gigantic, huge, enormous, colossal, massive
Example: “The new building is humongous.”
PT: enorme, gigantesco, colossal, imenso, mastodôntico