ESL Domain I Flashcards
Domain I - Linguistics
Language concepts & language acquisition
Competency I
CONCEPTS. The ESL teacher understands the fundamental language concepts, and knows the structure and conventions of English language
The ability speakers have to produce and understand an unlimited number of familiar, unfamiliar and/or novel utterances. The ability speakers have to recognize that certain utterances are not acceptable and simply do not belong to their language
Grammatical competence
Knowledge of lexical items and rules of morphology, syntax, semantics and phonology
Discourse competence
The ability the learner has to connect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form meaningful utterances
Socio-linguistic competence
The knowledge of socio-cultural rules of language and discourse. An understanding of the social context is required: roles of participants, information they share, and the function of the interaction
Strategic competence
All the nonverbal and verbal communication skills the learner uses to compensate for breakdowns due to insufficient competence or variables related to performance. In other words, this is the way learners manipulate language in order to communicate what they want.
The articulation and perception of speech sounds
System of sounds. The patterning of speech sounds
The smallest units of meaningful sound (the sound of the letters) ex: “sun” has sounds of s-u-n, “beet” had b-ee-t
Sounds that occur in a particular phonetic environment ex: Pam pronounced “Pham”
How words are built or word formation
The smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. Morphemes cannot be divided in smaller parts. Ex: walk-walking(ing), attentive-attentively(ly)
The variant forms of a morpheme Ex: “a” before a word that begins with a consonant, “an” before a word that begins with a vowel; an orange, an accent, a building, a car
The arrangements of sentences and words or sentence formation (sentence structure, grammar)
The meaning of words or the interpretation of words and sentences (expressions, explain)
The meaning of a word in a dictionary
The meaning of a word in a particular situation
The use of language in social contexts; sociolinguistic awareness
The connected series of utterances produced during a conversation, a story, a lecture, etc
Discourse analysis
Rules of conversation, speech registers, and nonverbal communication. Ex: body language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance, etc
The way speakers use language in different styles depending on the context of a topic, audience, situation, experience and purpose of the communication.
Social communicative competence
Grammatical, discourse, socio-linguistic, strategic reflection on second language teacher according to Canale and Swain
Limited English Proficiency. A student whose primary language is other than English and whose English language skills are such that the student has difficulty performing ordinary class work in English
English Language Learner is used interchangeably with LEP
Language Abilities/Skills/Models/Acquisition
Listening, reading, speaking, writing
Receptive Skills
Listening and reading
Productive/Expressive Skills
Speaking and writing
Listening and speaking
Reading and writing
Language and Culture Interrelated
To learn a language is to learn a culture. Language patterns and use are different in different cultures. Native language proficiency contributes to second language acquisition. The better you are in your first language, the better you will be in a second language. Transfer knowledge from L1 to L2.
First language, native language, mother tongue, primary language, home language
Second language
Language borrowing
Words that we borrow from other languages
Language interference
Phonological interference, syntactical interference from the first language (negative transfer). Ex: “I espeak Spanish” vs “I speak Spanish”
Phonological differences
Different pronunciation (accent)
Lexical differences
Differences in word meaning
Syntactical differences
Differences in grammar use
The alternate use of two languages in the same word, phrase, clause, sentence, or conversation. The 1st language is emotional and is spoken when mad, excited, scared, etc
Language development
Babble, holophrastic speech, telegraphic speech
The combination of a consonant sound and a vowel sound that is repeated. Ex: ga, ga, ga
Holophrastic speech
Use of one word utterance to convey (12-18 months). Ex: “Juice” for “I want juice”
Telegraphic speech
Use of two word utterance to convey meaning (18-24 months) Ex: “Doggy gone” for “The dog is gone”
Differences between varieties of languages. Regional dialects often have distinct vocabularies
Standard dialect
Speech variety understood by all speakers; educated speech; language of the group in power.
Repeating the same consonant sound at the beginning of several words in close succession.
The part of the word before the vowel
The rest of the word beginning with the vowel. Ex: milk = /m/-ilk
Competency 2
The ESL teacher understands the processes of first-language (L1) and second-language (L2) acquisition and uses this knowledge to promote students’ language development in English
Functions of language
The main purpose of language is communication, interaction, and opportunity to transfer messages
Behavioristic approach
Language is learned by imitation and developed through a system of habits. For every action there is a reaction, repetition and reinforcement, stimulus and response, observable responses. The more you practice, the more you learn.
Constructed a behavioristic model of linguistics.
Nativist approach
Language is innately determined from within rather than by external factors. Human beings have an innate cognitive capacity for language. That have a language acquisition device that enables them to generate language. Language is creative, open-ended process and not a closed system of behavioral habits
Naom Chomsky
Supported the concepts of innateness, and defended with strong arguments the LAD proposition. NATIVISM/GENERATIVISM
Language Acquisition Device
Functional Approach
Language development is the result of the interaction of the child’s perceptual and cognitive development with linguistic and nonlinguistic events in the environment
Jean Piaget
Strong supporter of the Functional Approach. COGNITIVISM
Language acquisition is a progression of abilities. Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage
First Language Acquisition Theories
Behaviorism, nativism, generativism, cognitivism, functional
Sensorimotor stage
Age 0 to 2, shows ideas using body
Preoperational stage
Age 2-7, symbolic thought
Concrete operational stage
Age 7-11, logical operations
Formal operational stage
Age 11-beyond, abstract thinking skills
Individual variables
Individual characteristics: previous knowledge, age, aptitude, learning style, learning strategies and personality join with the social context to account for the use the second language learner makes of the formal (classroom) and informal (neighborhood) learning opportunities
Social variables
Second language learners may be influenced by the beliefs, traditions, behaviors, values and culture of the community in which they are placed. The social and cultural background of second language learners plays a very important role in the process of second language learning
Lambert’s Model
Combines the individual and societal elements of bilingualism: attitudes, aptitude, motivation, bilingual proficiency, self concept, additive bilingualism, subtractive bilingualism
Instrumental motivation
Survival within the dominant group, making a living to succeed financially in the new countrya
Subtractive bilingualism
Learning a second language at the cost of losing the first one. Since first language is one’s emotional language, this type of bilingualism may be detrimental to one’s whole being
Integrative motivation
Integration with the dominant group, meeting new people and new cultures
Additive bilingualism
Learning a second language while maintaining the first one
Stephen Krashen’s Monitor Model
This model is the most widely cited of theories of second language acquisition and is comprised of five central hypotheses: the acquisition learning hypothesis, natural order hypothesis, monitor hypothesis, input hypothesis, effective filter hypothesis
Acquisition learning hypothesis
Comes naturally via learning (formal setting) by explicit presentation of rules and grammar, classroom instruction, conscious process. And via acquisition (informal setting) subconscious process, similar to the way children acquire their native language.
Natural order hypothesis
Internalize grammatical structures in a predictable order. Errors are signs of developmental processes
Monitor hyphothesis
The acquisition of a second language involves conscious knowledge about correctness of a language. Occurs when there is sufficient time and conscious knowledge to communicate correctly
Input hypothesis
Acquisition of a second language can only be promoted in one way - comprehensible input. Messages must be presented or encoded in a way that the message is easily understood (pictures, visuals, gestures, facial expressions work to make languages more easily understood)
Affective filter hypothesis
Students must have a risk-free and comfortable environment in which to acquire and learn a second language. The needs and emotional states of students will affect whether or not input will be readily available and comprehensible to them. Create an environment free of emotional stress and anxiety
Phonemic awareness
The ability to recognize the sounds in spoken language
Phonological awareness
The ability to recognize the sounds in spoken language and how they can be segmented (pulled apart), blended (put back together), and manipulated (added, deleted, and substituted)
Print and book knowledge
General knowledge of print and book concepts
Alphabetic principle/graphophonemic awareness
Understanding that the sequence of letters (or graphemes) in written words represents the sequence of sounds (or phonemes) in spoken words
A combination of rate and accuracy that includes prosody, expression, appropriate phrasing and attention to punctuation. It is related to listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and motivation to read
The understanding of what has been read aloud and what has been read by the student
Written expression
The expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas in written form
Bilingual program
A bilingual program is required in Texas grades Pre-K thru 6th if there are 20 same language students on the same grade level
Communicative competence
The ability to use language appropriately in a variety of contexts or situations
Words that have the same meaning
Words that are opposites
A word that has 2 or more related messages: bright - shining/intelligent; deposit - mineral/money in the bank
Words that have distinct meaning: peace, piece, right, write
Language objectives
Aspects of language the teacher is explicitly trying to develop that include: listening, speaking, reading, writing