Eschatology Flashcards
What 5 symbols are on the Paschal candle?
- 5 grains of incense
- Alpha and Omega symbol
- Light of the candle
- The cross
- The year
What do the 5 grains of incense show?
Represents the wounds Jesus received while on the cross
What do the Alpha and Omega symbol show?
That Christ is eternal
What does the light of the candle show?
Represents the risen Christ
What does the cross show?
It is a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice to save us from sin
What does the year show?
That God is present here and now
When is the Paschal candle lit?
- Easter Vigil
- Baptisms
- Funerals
- Eastertide
List 3 Catholic beliefs in Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement
- Christ is the central figure showing his importance as the judge
- Christ’s crucifixion wounds are visible showing his suffering for our eternal life
- All saints have perfect bodies showing those that stand by Jesus will be saved
What does Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement reflect?
The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
What are the Four Last Things?
- Death
- Judgement
- Heaven
- Hell
Give a quote about Death
'’Life is changed, not ended’’
What is judgement?
A moment of truth with God
Give a quote about Heaven
'’Heaven is the endless moment of love’’
Give a quote about Hell
'’the total absolute absence of love’’
What is purgatory?
a cleansing process before entering heaven
What are the 2 types of judgement?
- Particular
- Final
What is Particular Judgement?
God judges you immediately after death
What is Final Judgement?
God judges everyone at the end of time
What is cosmic reconciliation?
the whole creation will be brought together in harmony with God
Give a quote about Cosmic Reconciliation
'’it was necessary that there should be sin’’ - Julian of Norwich
give two quotes for the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
'’I am in agony in these flames’’
‘‘between you and us a great chasm has been fixed’’