Es Gibt… Flashcards
What is ‘eine Autobahn’ in English?
a motorway
What is ‘einen Bahnhof’ in English?
a station
What is ‘einen Campingplatz’ in English?
a campsite
What is ‘ein Eiscafé’ in English?
an ice cream café
What is ‘ein Freibad’ in English?
an open-air pool
What is ‘ein Fußballstadion’ in English?
a football stadium
What is ‘eine Fußgängerzone’ in English?
a pedestrianised area
What is ‘eine Grundschule’ in English?
a primary school
What is ‘einen Kindergarten’ in English?
a nursery
What is ‘eine Schule’ in English?
a school
What is ‘viele Touristen’ in English?
lots of tourists
What is ‘viele Geschäfte’ in English?
lots of shops
What is ‘viele Sehenswürdigkeiten’ in English?
lots of sights
What is ‘gute Restaurants’ in English?
good restaurants
What is ‘viele Vorteile’ in English?
lots of advantages
What is ‘viele Nachteile’ in English?
lots of disadvantages
What is ‘keinen Flughafen’ in English?
no airport
What is ‘keine Universität’ in English?
no university
What is ‘kein Kino’ in English?
no cinema
What is ‘keine Strände’ in English?
no beaches.
How do you say ‘Ich wohne …’ in English?
I live …
What is ‘auf einem Bauernhof’ in English?
on a farm
What is ‘auf dem Land’ in English?
in the countryside
What is ‘in einem Dorf’ in English?
in a village
What is ‘in einer Kleinstadt’ in English?
in a small town
What is ‘in einer Großstadt’ in English?
in a city
What is ‘in einer Hauptstadt’ in English?
in a capital city
What is ‘in der Nähe von …’ in English?
near …
What is ‘Eine Insel’ in English?
An island
Es gibt
There is