Es… Flashcards
What does ‘abierto/a’ mean?
Used to describe a person who is sociable and open to others.
What does ‘aburrido/a’ mean?
Used to describe something that lacks interest.
What does ‘amable’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is kind and pleasant.
What does ‘antipático/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is unfriendly or unpleasant.
What does ‘alto/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone of above-average height.
What does ‘bajo/a’ mean?
‘Short (height)’
Used to describe someone of below-average height.
What does ‘calvo’ mean?
Used to describe someone who has no hair on their head.
What does ‘castaño/a’ mean?
‘Light brown’
Used to describe a hair color.
What does ‘claro/a’ mean?
‘Light (in color)’
Used to describe a color that is not dark.
What does ‘corto/a’ mean?
‘Short (length)’
Used to describe something that is not long.
What does ‘delgado/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone with a slim physique.
What does ‘divertido/a’ mean?
Used to describe something that is enjoyable.
What does ‘feo/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is not pleasing in appearance.
What does ‘fuerte’ mean?
Used to describe someone with great physical strength.
What does ‘gordo/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is heavier than average.
What does ‘grande’ mean?
‘Big, large’
Used to describe something of considerable size.
What does ‘guapo/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is good-looking.
What does ‘hablador/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who talks a lot.
What does ‘inteligente’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is smart or clever.
What does ‘joven’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is in the early stages of life.
What does ‘largo/a’ mean?
‘Long (length)’
Used to describe something that is extended in length.
What does ‘liso’ mean?
Used to describe hair that is not curly.
What does ‘maleducado/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is impolite.
What does ‘mayor’ mean?
Used to describe someone who has lived many years.
What does ‘moreno/a’ mean?
‘Dark brown, brunette’
Used to describe a hair color.
What does ‘oscuros’ mean?
Used to describe colors that are deep or not light.
What does ‘pelirrojo/a’ mean?
‘Red hair, redhead’
Used to describe someone with red-colored hair.
What does ‘pequeño/a’ mean?
‘Small, little’
Used to describe something of a small size.
What does ‘rizado’ mean?
Used to describe hair that has curls.
What does ‘rubio/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone with light-colored hair.
What does ‘simpático/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is pleasant and easy to like.
What does ‘tímido/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who is reserved or timid.
What does ‘trabajador/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who puts in a lot of effort.
What does ‘vago/a’ mean?
Used to describe someone who avoids work or effort.