Erythema nodosum Flashcards
What is erythema nodosum?
What are the presenting features?
Presents with:
=> Painful, tender, dusky bruise like swellings over the shin
=> Fades over a few weeks
=> Most common in young women
=> Assoc. arthralgia, malaise, fever, inflammation in deeper dermis & subcutaneous fat
What is the treatment?
=> symptomatic relief with NSAIDs, light compression socks and rest
=> Treat underlying cause
=> Persistent cases = treat with anti-inflammatory i.e. colchicine or prednisolone
What are the causes of erythema nodosum?
NODOSUM mneumonic:
NO cause i.e. idiopathic (60%)
Drugs i.e. sulphonamides, oral contraceptive pill
Oral contraceptives
Ulcerative colitis ; crohn’s disease ; Bechet’s
Microbiology i.e. streptococcal infection, TB, bacterial, fungal causes